CS:GO: The Negev VS. The M249  - Which Should You Buy?

12 Jun 20


Kn1ght, members


CS:GO: The Negev VS. The M249 - Which Should You Buy?

The M249 and the Negev have quite the reputation in CSGO, but are they viable? 

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is known to have a wide variety of weapons in all types of categories, but many of them do not get used very often. The most common weapons in this game are rifles, but many times you see other categories like pistols and SMGs get used and do very well. Both LMGs in the game, the Negev and M249, hardly see any use. What makes them so underused compared to all the other guns?


Price: $1700
Magazine Size: 150 rounds, 300 reserve
Fire Rate: 800 RPM
Armor Penetration: 71%


One of the best factors of this weapon is its very affordable price tag. When CSGO first launched, the Negev was a whopping $5700, while rifles were 2000-3000 dollars cheaper. Even the AWP($4750) and the SCAR-20/G3SG1($5000) are cheaper, and those are known to be expensive buys. But recently the LMG was made only $1700, putting it in the SMG price range, and $1000 cheaper than the Ak47 and $1400 cheaper than both M4s. The recoil was modified where now after the first few inaccurate shots the gun fires almost like a laser at a slight upward angle. It has very little movement when shooting, making it a good choice for new players who struggle with spray patterns. Its giant magazine is another plus, so ammo will not be much of a problem, even with its great fire rate of 800 rounds per minute.


The Negev seems to have many positive things about it, but where it lacks the most is speed while moving. The main reason very few people use it is that you are super slow while holding the Negev. It makes you a very easy target to hit. Most people crouch when shooting the Negev, decreasing your speed even more. Movement isn't the only thing slow; since it's an LMG you have a very slow reload speed, like in most games. The first few shots of its spray can be inaccurate, so it can be difficult to win a duel if you and another player happen to spot each other at the same time. The Negev may have similar armor penetration to the rifles in the game, but damage against armored enemies is mediocre, giving: 19 to the legs, 31 to the stomach, 24 on the chest/arms, and 99 to the head. It may have a fast laser-like spray which makes the damage not seem important, but compared to the rifles and SMGs, the Negev's flaws keep it from being a viable option.


Due to the Negev's slow movement speed, it's best to use it on defense and not on the attacking side. It is a strong weapon when trying to stop a push from one direction. For example, if the T side is rushing B on Dust 2, the Negev would be a strong weapon to slow down that push due to how narrow and concentrated that tunnel is. As stated earlier, if you plan on using this weapon then make sure to always have some form of cover due to your low movement speed.


Price: $5200
Magazine Size: 100 rounds, 200 reserve
Fire Rate: 750 RPM
Armor Penetration: 80%


The M249 has higher armor penetration than most rifles, allowing it to one-shot headshot armored opponents. It has 100 rounds in a magazine and 200 in reserve, so you won't be running out of ammo any time soon. The M249 also has a faster movement speed than its other option, the Negev. It has a good fire rate of 750 RPM, which is faster than CSGO's rifles.


The M249 is the most expensive gun in the game, and definitely not worth the price. The M249 has an extremely hard to control spray pattern. It has a significant curve to the right after the first few shots, then curves to the left. The M249 by far has the worst spray pattern in CSGO. The pattern isn't the only bad thing when spraying, the weapon is also very loud. If your headset is up high it can definitely bother your ears. Your position will also be given away in a second and you can't hear your team's callouts. The movement speed with the M249 may be better than the Negev, but it is still a very slow weapon. The damage of M249 is ok, but it is still beat by some weapons which are close to half the cost of it, like the AK47. Similar to the Negev, the M249 has too many downsides for it to be a viable option. Even if the M249 was the same cheap price as the Negev, it still would not see as much use as the rifles.


Overall, it is not recommended to buy an M249 due to its high price and the fact that many other, more affordable, weapons outshine it. It is best to buy a cheaper rifle or SMG and use the extra money to drop a teammate a gun, since that will benefit your team's economy more. But if you find yourself with the M249, it is best to shoot in small, well timed bursts since its spray pattern is very poor. Like every weapon, aim for the head, since the M249 has one-shot headshot potential. Because the M249 is so loud, you can draw some of the fire from your teammates and distract the enemy. Like stated before though, if you have an option to buy the M249, think about your team first and make sure your economy is balanced before purchasing such an expensive weapon.

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