CS:GO Dust 2 Boost Guide

18 Jun 15



CS:GO Dust 2 Boost Guide

In this guide I go over multiple counter-terrorist and terrorist boosts in de_dust2. 

Why would a Boost be useful ?

A boost can be useful because you can use the boost to give you an advantage. Boosts are often unexpected and can catch the enemy players off guard. Boosts are often done in places where the enemy team won't expect you to be.

However, you can also use a boost to give yourself a vision advantage. You can also boost a player up at a certain location and attack the opposite site on the other side of the map. If the enemy players decide to push that specific spot where you've boosted a player you would have a lurking player that would catch them off guard. These are just some of the many ways that teams and players can utilze boosts and give themselves an edge in-game.

Terrorist Boosts:

- Cat (Right in front of Mid Doors)

This cat boost is useful if the terrorist team keeps getting picked middle. This allows the terrorist team to use a different approach to try and kill the counter-terrorist middle. Sometimes you might run into a player who is more skilled than you. Using this boost you might be able to catch the counter-terrorist off guard and use it to your advantage.

- Long (Right in front of A Doors)

This boost by the blue dumpster at long is useful in quite a few situations. For example, if there is a counter-terrorist that knows you're behind the blue dumspter and is waiting for you, attempting to cross to long doors is extremely risky. More times than not you will end up dying. You can boost up and kill any counter-terrorists watching long. Terrorists can also jump on top of the blue dumpster and attempt to kill the counter-terrorist in pit.

- Long Doors (Located at the entrance of long)

This boost is extremely useful if you want to attack B site or attack A through cat. Most counter-terrorists who get information that the terorrists are attacking B might decide to push out long and try to flank them. This is where this spot comes into play. After you're in this spot and counter-terrorists rush long you can shoot the opponent in the back. Also, if the terrorist team is attacking B site you can simply wait at this spot until most of the counter-terrorist players have rotated.

After you get word that the counter-terrorists are rotating you can simply go from long to ct spawn to mid. After doing this you might end up behind counter-terrorist players and get some free kills. Another option is to wait in this spot and tell three to four players to attack B and cause noise trying to bait a rotation. Counter-terrorists might over-rotate and you could use this to get a free plant at A. This is extremely risky and I only recommend you to try and attempt this if you have no other option available or you're on an eco round.

- Lower Tunnel (Located below upper tunnel)

Counter-terrorists playing cat love to smoke off lower and this can sometimes cause a problem for terrorists. You can use this boost to boost someone up and wait until the smoke starts to dissapear and if you look close enough you will be able to spot the counter-terrorist. Also, without the boost you would only be able to see the counter-terrorist's head. Instead of risking missing the shot you can simply boost up to get a better view of the counter-terrorists playing cat.

- Upper Tunnel (Located above lower tunnel)

Often times counter-terrorists play one person at the back of b with an auto or an awp. This can cause a huge issue for attacking terrorists. It is also very common for counter-terrorists to smoke off tunnel. If you boost up someone at uper tunnel the terrorist should be able to take out the unexpecting counter-terrorist.

- Suicide (Located Right in Front of T Spawn)

Middle of dust two is a key part of the map. Awpers love to clash at middle at the start of the round and it can cause a lot problems if the counter-terrorist keep getting the entry pick. Terrorists can use this boost to headglitch at the boxes at suicide. However, make sure not to show too much of your character's body so that you're harder to spot. Terrorists can also use this position to kill any counter-terrorists who are aggressively pushing cat. Finally, make sure to not reuse the same positions more than 2 rounds in a row, because the counter-terrorist might expect you to be in the same position again.

Counter-Terrorist Boosts:

- B Window (Located to the Right of B Doors)

This is a great boost at B that allows you to look over the wall at B doors and kill unexpecting terrorists. The great thing about this boost is the ability to just walk back if there are too many terrorists that are attacking at once. Simply go for one or two kills then simply fall back. Luckily there is a wall between you and the terrorists making this spot extremely useful, yet extremely safe.

- Car (Located at A Long)

This boost by car at A long is pretty common yet is still extremely helpful. This boost allows you to see players entering A long. This allows you to kill terrorists before they even have the chance of running into pit. However, if you miss your awp shot, let the counter-terrorist below you push up close so that he can kill anyone that attempts to rush car.

- Green Dumpster (Located to the left of CT Spawn)

This boost is is extremely helpful, because if you get information that terrorists are pushing cat this allows you to get a quick pick and also might slow down the push. You can also have someone play A site. If you kill someone on cat simply run down to ct spawn. The other terrorists will probably be looking at green dumpster (where you just were). Now the person playing site peeks out and attacks the terrorists while they are still looking for you.

I hope you can use this guide and what you know to improve your game and win some matches. If you have anything you would like me to cover send a tweet to @MichaelCSGO.

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