A Comprehensive Guide to Taking B Site Inferno

8 Apr 16


StealthyNinja, members


A Comprehensive Guide to Taking B Site Inferno

Inferno is very CT sided. Let me tell you the best ways to take B and shift the advantage back.


Inferno is considered a very CT favored map with lots of easy choke points to hold for the defending side and plenty of room to give up map control yet still hold defensible positions on the site. This is especially true for B site, with one entrance being a long narrow corridor that the CT’s can reach first and the other requiring T’s to work their way through both A and CT spawn taking B is indeed an uphill battle. However with a few key grenades and the right mentality, T’s can expect to increase their chances to take the site and hold it.

1. Taking Control of Banana:

Generally players will take B through Banana, a tight corridor that can seem almost impossible to attack at first. Therefore, the first step to hitting B site is to take control of Banana. Sometimes CT players will push up to car depending on their spawn, especially if they look to get an early pick with an AWP. You can take care of this one of three ways, either having your own AWPer to take a fight and try to get the pick, rushing under balcony and strafing left to try and get their player to whiff or just nading car to make them give up the spot.

 Generally its safest to throw a molly, aim at the picket fence and perform a running throw

The next step is to take control of Sandbags and Wheelbarrow, if Car is clear you can expect that the AWPer may have elected to sit Corner and wait for you to push. From here you can either throw a self-explanatory flash to blind him or take a peek with an AWP from on top of Woodstack. This is a great position as a CT AWPer expecting players to rush Car won’t be looking at the pixel gap above the wall giving you an advantage when you peek. The second spot you need to look out for is Sandbags. This can be difficult to deal with in a straight up aim duel, so I recommend using a molly to burn the spot so you don’t have to deal with it. Be aware that some players may smoke just in front of Wheelbarrow and peak you over the top of it making them difficult to see. If you see a strange smoke, spray on top of Wheelbarrow just in case.

Aim just to the right of the window and running throw to burn the guy behind sandbag

2. Taking Control of Site from Banana:

Once you have control of Banana your job isn't done as it is very difficult to take B site on a buy round without nading key areas. You can expect CT’s to be sitting “CT”, Coils, Dark, New Box and first or second Oranges. To limit their options you can throw these nades and force them to take uncomfortable positions. Here are some smokes you can throw. On the left is a CT smoke, aim to the top of the chimney then bring your mouse up to the second wire, it should land in the alleyway leading to CT. On the right you can see a smoke for Coils, get in the balcony corner and aim at the little piece of metal jutting out of the antenna. From here aim up until your crosshair is inline with the first crack as shown and throw.

Now to the molotovs. The picture left is for first Oranges, run to the right wheel of Car, look up to the very tip of the antenna and then pull your mouse up until you are just above the wire and jump throw. The molly should bounce off the skybox and land right at Oranges. This can be a little finicky though and might require some practice, as it can sometimes land on the roof or pop mid air before it reaches the ground. The second one is for New Box. Line yourself up on the second balcony support and aim to the second picket in the fence away from the pole, a simple throw will land it right in the new box area.

Keep in mind that smokes last longer than fire so you can throw two. For example, you can smoke CT and then quickly molly New Box to easily eliminate two positions that the CT’s can hold from. Also be aware that it is best to execute quickly. If you manage to catch a CT as they are repositioning from their old spot, you can get an easy frag. If the CT players see smokes and mollys coming they may elect to smoke you off in the Alleyway, don’t let it deter you, push the smoke and force easy trades as the CT players should be out in the open. If you manage to get all the smokes and mollys down B should look something like this:

3. Pushing round the world:

The second option for entering B is through Archway and CT and is generally more of a gimmick strategy to pull on force buys or when you take control of Archway but not Apps or Dig. Speed and surprise is your best friend here, simply run up Mid, smoke off Dig and flash out Arch, pushing quickly and trading kills as you go. If you move too slowly you can expect rotations from the B players to CT making it really difficult to push onto B site and making it easy for A players to pincer you.

Smoke Dig by eye but make sure you haven't left a gap to get shot from behind


The key to a map like Inferno which is inherently easy to defend as a CT is to take a site and plant the bomb no matter the cost. You might ask “why not split push B”? The fact is while these smokes may help you, the CT players still have an advantage. The best thing you can do is to have a man advantage and force trades. The positive of this is once you plant the bomb, the CT advantage then turns to a T advantage as it now becomes easy for you to defend. Even if you do ‘unfavorable’ trades losing 3 or 4 people for 2 or 3 of them it is often possible to hold due to the favorable map layout for the defending player. Limit the CT advantage, take the site and you’ll already have done 90% of the work.

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