Cobble, Cobble: How to Take Sites as a T on Cobblestone
Taking sites on Cobblestone can be a challenging task. Let's look at some ways to do it!
Taking sites on Cobblestone can be a challenging task. Let's look at some ways to do it!
B is a very good site to attack on Cobblestone, especially if you have a coordinated team. There a lot of spots to pre-fire (such as the corners on long, chicken coop, or outside of drop) and once taken, it is very hard for the CTs to retake, given the many places Ts can hide. But how exactly should you proceed in taking it?
Pop Flash in Drop and Rush
The Orange Player
This player will bounce a flash off of the corner immediately to their right after they go up the stairs and peek left side of drop. After drop is clear, he will play from drop window and kill any CTs rotating connector from A.
The Green Player
This player will be the first one out on B plat. He will flash over the wall straight ahead of him as he pushed from T spawn and will then proceed to rush up plat and play from the big box, killing anyone coop and providing assistance to his pushing teammates.
The Yellow Player
This player will be behind green and go towards drop, killing anyone sitting at rock or connector doors.
The Purple Player
This player will push after yellow and will remain behind the box in the middle of B plat, watching behind for any flankers.
The Blue Player
This player will be the last one to come out and he will be the bomb carrier. He will plant behind the fountain then play from coop watching drop, which will also enable him to help his teammates where they might need it.
All Rush Plat
The Orange Player
This player will be behind yellow. He will drop from plat and then proceed to play from fountain watching connector doors while bomb is being planted.
The Green Player
*Same play as previous strat* This player will be the first one out on B plat. He will flash over the plat wall straight ahead when pushing from T spawn and will then proceed to rush up plat and play from the big box, killing anyone coop and providing assistance to his pushing teammates.
The Yellow Player
This player will be behind green. He will get off of plat as soon as possible and go towards drop, killing anyone in drop, at connector doors or at rock. He will then play from drop killing anyone rotating through there as well as provide assistance to the players on site.
The Purple Player
This player will push after yellow and will remain behind the box in the middle of B plat, watching behind for any flankers.
The Blue Player
This player will be the last one to come out and he will be the bomb carrier. He will plant behind the fountain then play from coop watching drop, which will also enable him to help both purple should anyone rush plat, as well as orange should anyone come from connector doors towards rock.
A site can be a bit more difficult to take than B, as there are more places for the CTs to get a drop on you. However, if you have a coordinated team, this can be easily pulled off with a few smokes and flashes.
Take Mid and Long
The Orange Player
This player will flash into mid and check behind doors and mid slope. He will push up mid slope after green smokes connector doors, plant the bomb, and will then go onto site and watch balcony.
The Green Player
This player will come in after orange and check long stairs. After mid is clear he will push up mid slope, check right corner, smoke off connector doors, then play on mid slope and watch mid doors should any CTs try and flank them.
The Yellow Player
This player will be the entry fragger for long. He can bounce a flash off the left wall and into long, then kill anyone who might be waiting on haystacks or at the corner of long. He will then push up onto A, and play behind the wall watching doors. From here he can assist both green and orange, should they need help defending site.
The Purple Player
This player will push in behind yellow, smoke mid doors through stairs, and then play corner of long with A wall, watching both long and the mid stairs leading up into long should any CTs attempt to push that way. From here, he can also help yellow with connector doors, as well as take his place should yellow die.
The Blue Player
This player will be the lurker. He will use the Pop Flash strat above in order to cut off or delay the rotators. He has option of staying in drop window or simply playing from connector and kill anyone trying to push from B site.
Long, Stairs and A Site
The Orange Player
This player will flash into mid and check behind doors and mid slope. He will push up mid slope after green smokes connector doors, plant the bomb, and will then go onto site and watch balcony.
The Green Player
This player will come in after orange and check long stairs. After mid is clear he will push up mid slope, check right corner, smoke off connector doors, then play on mid slope and watch mid doors should any CTs try and flank them.
The Yellow Player
This player will be the entry fragger for long. He can bounce a flash off the left wall and into long, then kill anyone who might be waiting on haystacks or at the corner of long. He will then push up onto A, and play behind the wall watching doors. From here he can assist both green and orange, should they need help defending site.
The Purple Player
This player will push in behind yellow, and instead of smoking mid doors, he will actually push down the stairs and play in the mid connector. Here he will be able to watch mid for any rotating CTs and will also be able to help his teammates on site should anyone push from connector doors or vent/balcony.
The Blue Player
This player will be the lurker. He will play in long behind yellow after his teammates push onto A site. From here he can watch any CTs coming from long or mid doors as well as help his teammates on A site should they need any.
That brings us to the end of this guide! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, post them below and I will answer them as soon as I can!
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