A Short Guide To Being Positive in League of Legends

3 Jan 19


Grecco, contributors


A Short Guide To Being Positive in League of Legends

Have fun and gain ELO with this one simple trick! Boosters hate him!

For many people a simple game of League of Legends is a commitment. You sacrifice around 45 minutes of your day in total for each game and, when you actually lose LP at the end, you feel even worse. There are nine other players in each game that are (most likely) just like you: trying their best to win. I've been there many times and you have as well. You won your lane, you have a great team composition and you're looking to expand your lead across the map. But oh no. That's when you realize "RivenMain2004" in the top lane is 0/6/1 and insulting the poor jungler who's just trying his best. The game is even, with your bot side winning and top side losing. What are you supposed to do in this situation? Being positive legitimately works wonders. Not only for your elo but for your mental health as well. I could try to write a guide on how to be a positive person generally, but I will keep it related to League and, most importantly, your ranking.

But how are you supposed to stay cool and composed with these boosted animals in your team? Just don't care (or just a bit less). Have you ever seen "Imaqtpie"? Doesn't have a care in the world and still has 3 accounts in Challenger. Now I'm not saying you should play Fizz support because you want to have fun. But something along the lines of Brand or Zyra, which are in the meta, have high DPS and are above all just fun to play, may be a more suitable option. Now, fun is great and all but the end goal of this guide is to gain that juicy elo. Being an in-game leader and spreading positive vibes for your teammates requires nothing. The best part is that you don't need to be any good to be nice. It can be extremely difficult to be positive, sometimes you get a feeder or a troll on your team. When push comes to shove, you can "/mute all" to focus entirely on your gameplay but by staying positive you'll win more games than by not typing at all. Here is some general advice and a few examples of what to type after a bad scenario.

- Encourage your teammates. Top lane got a solokill? An easy "gj" probably won't win you the game, but it can't hurt. If your AD Carry gets the 1v3 outplay, respond with a positive message of encouragement. "wow this ADC", "insane player" or "holy guacamole gj bot" will make your teammates feel good about themselves, thus decreasing overall flame and subsequently making your team more likely to win.

- Point out the positives. After losing a 2v2 in bot lane you should say "It's fine, enemy support got the kill" instead of "wow gg 9x twitch". I actually recommend to never point out the negatives, but only to point out how to play around the negatives. As an example, we'll say the enemy team stole Elder drake. Instead of saying "This jungler can't even smite 9x pls", say "Try to play safe for the next 2.5 minutes, don't teamfight and we win easy".

- And as previously mentioned, don't care too much about solo queue. As the old saying goes, "It's only a game. Why you have to be mad?"

Another thing I would like to add is that being passive-aggressive doesn't help at all. Much too often League players are passive-aggressive to thinking it's fine, since it technically isn't flaming. While the offense is not as punishable as outright flaming, it has the same negative impact on your win rate on your game as flaming. I can't stress this enough. Being passive aggressive ruins the team atmosphere more than flaming. Obviously, you also shouldn't flame because it's "not as bad".

"If I get another game of this I'm fine with it because I got PMA baby, positive mental attitude." -Imaqtpie 2016, after getting griefed 3 games in a row.

And of course, the salt can still get to you, I am probably the saltiest person I know. But I always yell at my teammates in voice chat or real life and never type it out. Especially when you're talking with teammates, venting about others is great, since you blow off some steam and relax by releasing that frustration. Obviously, you shouldn't insult each other in voice chat. Plus, you can really bond with your teammate by talking badly about that Riven. "What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over" is another saying that applies to positive attitude in League of Legends, which just goes to show that positive attitude can be applied to life itself and not just League of Legends.

All in all, League of Legends is a team game. You win together, you lose together. And it's up to you to increase the odds for your team to win by any means necessary. Obviously the most important part of gaining elo is actually being a good player, but being a good person is an integral part of getting Challenger. Now stop reading this guide, get into solo queue and destroy your enemies with kindness.

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