Split Push: How to Effectively Play It or Play with It

1 Jan 18


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Split Push: How to Effectively Play It or Play with It

A short guide on how to coordinate with your split pusher or split push yourself.

Split pushing is a common strategy used in League of Legends in which one player shoves a side lane, applying pressure to the far side of the map, so multiple members will come for him, allowing for his team to take other objectives. Split pushing is a very fun way to play the game and can also be quite effective if played correctly. It's first and foremost a game of vision and rotations and then a game of duels and 1v2s. Ideally, if you are going to be split pushing, you should either have taken Teleport or have the ability to quickly move across the map so that you can join your team if they desperately need you.

This video is a great example of split pushing done correctly and effectively. Dignitas's Ssumday is playing Fiora, our split pusher, and throughout the game he makes Hauntzer's Maokai much less effective by not allowing him to group up with his team. So, TSM must send Svenskeren's Kha'Zix to stop him. But the nature of a champion such as Fiora is that he has the ability to 1v2 both Maokai and Kha'Zix, and even though he doesn't in this particular game, his healing and Guardian Angel allow for his team to take objectives, place deeper vision than they could not have gotten without Svenskeren dealing with Ssumday, and as well as gaining picks.

So this all sounds great, but the reason why everyone doesn't split push in solo queue is because it requires the one thing that is always present on the competitive level but not in solo queue: communication. The split pusher needs a ton of information to know when he can be pushing, when someone is going down to stop him, and good timing and location on a Teleport. It's very difficult to have access to all of this information by yourself, so most people to resort to grouping mid and going for the 5v5 brawl.

But just because people don't do it, doesn't mean it can't work. Yes, it's hard to pull off correctly, but you can do it. Split pushing will also help you learn to work with your team more efficiently. And once you can get the hang of it, it's a really fun way to play the game and an alternative to the standard team fight.

If you are split pushing, first you need to make sure you are playing a champion who can actually split push. AD Carries and Supports should never, ever split push. Champions that can split push fall into two categories: the infinite pushers and the teleporters.

Infinite Pushers

This is the style of split push that I prefer and think is way more fun. But, it has its downsides. Infinite pushers, as the name suggests, will consistently shove the lane and they are not looking to join their team. They lack mobility in any way, but make up for it in the ability to 1v2 or 1v3. If one of these guys starts racking up kills in the early game, you might have to start sending 3 or 4 people to stop them, or else they will just keep taking towers and stay four levels ahead of you.

Best Infinite Pushers: Darius, Illaoi, Master Yi, Fiora, Kled, Tryndamere, Garen, Yasuo, Nasus, Jax


  • Great snowball potential
  • Can win a game by themselves
  • Ability to kill multiple enemies
  • Super fun!


  • No mobility
  • Weak when behind
  • Have no crowd control
  • Easily kited

How you would want to go about playing one of these champions is to first make sure it's okay to pick it. All of these champions are played in top lane, with the exception of Master Yi, and have many counters. Ranged champions who can kite backwards, like Gnar, Ezreal, Janna, or Twisted Fate, completely destroy infinite split pushers. So always be sure that you are safe to pick an infinite pusher.

The next thing you want to do is to not get behind. It would be fantastic if you can get ahead in the early game, but it's also fine if you're doing just okay. "Just okay" as an infinite pusher still gives you the ability to shove and outplay. But you can't be behind. A lack of items, experience, or pressure means you can't split push. You will be drawing no pressure because the enemy top lane can simply fight you alone.

If you can, ask your jungler to help you pick up the Rift Herald buff. It helps you shove lanes much faster and makes you better at 1v1s.

Once you are either ahead or doing just fine, start your shove. Try to solo kill your laner and take the first tower if you can, because that will launch you extremely far ahead of everyone else. Once you are past the river, you are in "the Party Zone", as I like to call it. That means, if you don't have vision when you're in the Party Zone, always be expecting the entire enemy team to come out of Fog of War and try to kill you. Constantly be checking your minimap once you're in the Party Zone. Sometimes, if you know that only one guy is coming to stop you, you can use your personal judgement on whether or not you can do the 1v2.

That's about all there is to it: keep pushing, keep fighting, keep farming, and always be aware of what's going on once you find yourself in the Party Zone.

The other version of split pushers are the ones you will see in competitive games a lot more because they are less risky and they don't require as many resources to put ahead.


This style of split push was originally only done by Twisted Fate, Pantheon, and Shen, due to their original Teleporting ultimates. But it was really popularized to be used by every top laner around the beginning of Season 4 when Teleport had the addition of having a reduced cooldown when used on a structure. This allowed top laners to come back to lane often, apply pressure to one side of the map, and also help their team when needed. Now Teleport is pretty much a requirement for top laners, even with the reduced cooldown effect removed.

So, what do the Teleporting split pushers do? It's fairly simple. These guys really aren't trying to take out objectives, usually because they lack the damage output necessary to do so. They will pressure these objectives, but what they are really looking to do is get a flank off on the enemy team. Teleport behind the enemy team and sandwich them between you and your team. This collapse almost always leads to a winning fight.

Best Teleporters: Shen, Rek'Sai, Twisted Fate, Pantheon, Maokai, Sion, Poppy, Nautilus, Ekko, most other top laners who have some form of crowd control!


  • No risk
  • Very effective when done correctly
  • Usually are able to survive ganks
  • Turn the tide of fights


  • Requires good communication
  • Needs a good ward, unless you have a Teleporting ultimate
  • Cancelling Teleport can be very devastating
  • Can be focused very easily

The great thing about Teleporters is that you can pretty much always pick them. They are generally very low risk champions, and you should always have the same summoner spell set-up, unlike the infinite pushers.

You need to make sure you are always watching the map to look for opportunities to jump right into the action. If you arrive a few seconds too late, it could be the difference from a won fight to a lost one.

If your champion doesn't have access to an ability like Destiny or Stand United, you need to make sure that your team is fighting around an area where there are multiple spots for you to Teleport. Always try and ask them to ward around so you can join the fight. Teleporting right in the center of a fight can work, but it can also lead to you dying in a split second.

Don't be afraid to initiate the fight with your Teleport. If you see a bot lane heavily shoved in with a ward right behind them, by all means, start the 'port. Effectively using Teleport is all about awareness of the map and initiative. Don't hesitate if you know it can work.

Well, now you know the origins of split pushing, the two different kinds of split pushing, and how to effectively play as either one. Remember, split pushing isn't always the best way to go about things, but it can work in some games, and it's a lot of fun. So go out there and start shoving in the wave! Thanks for reading!

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