League of Legends: A Tryndamere Guide - The Barbarian King

20 Jan 19


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League of Legends: A Tryndamere Guide - The Barbarian King

Tryndamere, highly regarded as the best split pusher in League of Legends. Learn about him and his builds in this guide.

Overview of Abilities

Tryndamere, or Tryn for short, is a mana-less champion. All of his abilities are free to cast besides their cooldown timers. Instead, Tryn has fury, which he earns from staying in battle and killing enemy units. This fury is crucial to his kit, as fighting with it can result in winning fights that you simply couldn't win without having fury.

Passive: Battle Fury

Firstly, Tryn's passive is Battle Fury. "Tryndamere gains Fury for each attack, critical strike, and killing blow he makes. Fury passively increases his Critical Strike Chance and can be consumed with his Bloodlust spell." Tryn gains 5 fury per basic attack, increased to 10 fury if the auto attack is a critical. There is also another 10 fury added if the attack kills an enemy unit. For every 10 fury that Tryn has in his fury-bar, he gains 3.5% crit chance, allowing for a maximum of 35% at level 1 with max fury. However, if Tryn leaves the fight for 8 seconds, he begins to lose 5 fury per second until he resumes dealing or taking damage.

First Ability: Bloodlust

Bloodlust passively gives Tryn AD based on his missing health, plus a certain amount based on the rank of Bloodlust. Bloodlust gives 5/10/15/20/25 AD based on rank, plus 0.15/0.20/0.25/0.30/0.35 AD per 1% missing health for a maximum of 20/30/40/50/60 AD while at 1% health (we will get to how it is possible to get the maximum AD later in the skills). Tryn's Bloodlust is also a heal based on the amount of fury that Tryn has in his fury bar. Bloodlust heals for a minimum amount of 30/40/50/60/70 (+30% AP) depending on rank, and Bloodlust consumes all fury that Tryn has and heals him for an additional 0.50/0.95/1.40/1.85/2.30 (+1.2% AP) extra per each point of fury that Tryn has, for a maximum heal of 80/135/190/245/300 (+150% AP) health.

Second Ability: Mocking Shout

This ability reduces the AD of all nearby champions for 4 seconds and, if they are facing away from him, they also receive a slow. The variables for this based on rank are 20/35/50/65/80 AD reduction, and a 30/37.5/45/52.5/60% movement speed slow.

Third Ability: Spinning Slash

This ability allows Tryn to dash up to 660 units away and deals 80/110/140/170/200 (+130% bonus AD) (+100% AP) physical damage based on rank. This ability also generates 2 fury per enemy hit and an extra 10 if he kills an enemy while spinning. Additionally, every time that Tryn crits an enemy, his Spin cooldown is reduced by 1 second, increased to 2 seconds if the enemy is a champion.

Ultimate Ability: Undying Rage

This ability gives him temporary invincibility for 5 seconds, preventing his health from falling below 30/50/70 for the duration. It is also worth noting that Undying Rage can be used when affected by crowd control, and that when it is activated Tryn will gain 50/75/100 fury.

Different Rune Builds

For Runes, your keystone is Conqueror. This includes Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand. Your secondary tree is either Resolve, Sorcery, or Domination. For Resolve, take Demolish and Revitalize. For Sorcery, take Nimbus Cloak and Transcendance. For Domination, take Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter. The Resolve tree will allow you an easier time in lane, while also allowing faster split pushing with Demolish.

The Sorcery tree will allow you to dive easier as you get CDR at level 10 and Nimbus Cloak, which allows you to run down targets after popping your ultimate. Lastly, Domination is used against easier matchups as it gives you sustain through your spin and you will also heal any time you go for an auto attack on an enemy champion while Taste of Blood is up.

Summoner Spell Choices

Tryndamere's summoner spells are mostly one dimensional, but can and do change in some matchups. Flash is taken in every matchup, unless you feel that you can hard carry your game. Ignite is the other summoner that is used in almost every matchup. It will allow you easier access to early game kills that can get you snowballing in the game.

Teleport can also be taken if you are against a very hard lane bully, such as Jayce or Teemo as Teleport has the potential to save you from a bad trade or gank and allow you to reset with new items from the shop. A new summoner that is going around on Tryn is Ghost.

Ghost allows Tryn to run down targets that can usually kite him, and this then allows Tryn to eliminate key targets from fights or run down his lane opponents to secure kills. Ghost also has a lower cooldown than Flash, so it has more opportunity time. Summoner combinations are Flash/Ignite, Flash/Teleport, Flash/Ghost, Ghost/Ignite, and Ghost/Teleport.

Item Builds

Tryn should always look to be pushing the lane. An early tiamat achieves this, and this is your first back item. Tiamat is then followed up by boots, most of the time Berserker's Greaves for early game attack speed and DPS increase. Tryn's first real powerspike comes after his first item, and there are some choices to be made here.

Regular Build:

You can go regular crit Tryn, with Phantom Dancer leading into Infinity Edge, Blade of the Ruined King, then situational items based on the enemy team. Alternatively, you can also go first item Stormrazor.

Stormrazor Build:

Going first item Stormrazor allows for amazing short trades, as your first auto will deal nearly 300 damage early in the game if the target has no armor items. Stormrazor is followed by Statik Shiv for the free Shiv proc crit, even further increasing burst and short trade power. This build can be finished by a Trinity Force and then other situational items.

AP Tryn Build:


The last potential build for Tryn is AP Tryndamere. Going AP Tryn will allow you to get hyper-mobile and also increase tower damage by an enormous amount. It will also increase your Q healing greatly, allowing you to even heal for upwards of 900 health with a full fury bar. This build goes Nashor's Tooth into Lich Bane, then Guinsoo's Rageblade. This setup gives on-hit damage, Lich Bane for short trades after using spin, and Guinsoo's + Berserker's allows for basic attack speed to not be extremely low. The Lich Bane will also allow you to get large amounts of damage off on to towers. This build finishes with Rabadon's, Zhonya's, and either Gunblade, Luden's, or Mercurial Scimitar.

Situational Items:

The situational items that were referenced before are Trinity Force for CDR and movement speed if needed, Death's Dance for CDR and life steal if needed, Mercurial Scimitar for life steal and the removal of CC, Mortal Reminder to stop enemy healing and to kill tanks easier, and finally Maw/Steraks if you need burst shields to prevent yourself from getting one-shot and giving yourself more time to use your ultimate.

Laning Phase:

The laning phase of Tryndamere can be either very strong, or very weak, depending on a number of things. Firstly, if you are able to land crits in a fight, it can drastically change the outcome of a fight. Secondly, the champion that you are against will alter your laning phase strength. Champions such as Akali, Cassieopeia, Renekton, Jayce, Quinn, and other poking ranged champions or extremely strong early game all-in champions, Tryn will be forced to simply exist through laning phase. In this case, you take 3 Rejuv Beads and a health potion. Tryn has one of the highest base health regen stats in the game, so increasing this by 150% makes him regenerate over 5 health per second at level 1.

With that said, Tryn also has strong lanes such as Dr. Mundo, Illaoi, Irelia, Maokai, Darius, Olaf, Sion, and a few other champs that are very weak early game. Tryn can abuse these champs starting at level 1, and can most of the time all in them early to get a fast kill. In these matchups, Doran's Blade is taken because you aren't in any immediate danger of dying to them. A more in-depth guide can be found here. This match up guide was made by FoggedFTW2, a Twitch streamer and one of the best Tryndamere players in the world! After the laning phase is over, Tryn's main job is to push down towers across the map. No matter what lane it is, split push and cause pressure to the other team, and crush those in your way as you do it.

Common Matchups:

Darius: Doran's Blade start. Darius is very annoying to deal with because if you make one key mistake, you will die. If you are trying to spin away, and he pulls you, you're dead unless you can fight him and kill him before he kills you. To beat Darius, short trades are required so that he can't stack his passive. What you want to go for is an auto attack and then spin away, but you must spin through him while spinning back. The only times you can all-in Darius is when he either misses his combos to try to poke at you or if he does full combo you and decides not to run away. If you can get ahead early, you can all-in him and most of the time there shouldn't be anything for him to do. Additionally, it is worth noting that an early Vamp Scepter rush before Tiamat is recommended in this matchup because you will be able to take trades against Darius and get your health back, while he will only have the health regen of Doran's Shield, allowing you to dive him easier. Nimbus Cloak is mandatory here so that if you go all-in, you can run him down after you ult, especially if he Ghosts away.

Jax: Doran's Blade or Shield start. Jax directly counters Tryndamere's entire ability to play the game by blocking his auto-attacks. Because of this, you must bait out his Counter Strike if you are going to have any chance to beat him. You can do this by auto-attacking him, and when he uses his Counter Strike, you spin away. If he chases after you with his jump, you can turn on him as long as you aren't behind because you beat Jax in auto-attack trades as long as his Counter Strike is down. Also, always make sure to be pushing in the lane, first item Tiamat is necessary here. Secondary runes here are optional to your playstyle.

Riven: Doran's Blade start. Level 1 you must look to get a long trade onto Riven. This is because her Q + Autos will burst you down, so you must then fight her while they are on cooldown. If she goes for an engagement on you at early levels, you can win trades against her by sitting back in your minion wave and letting her come to you, but if you attempt to fight in her minion wave, you will lose. After level 3, you are going to want to go for short trades, because you have built in sustain and she doesn't have any form of sustain and her health regen is terrible. It is also advisable to go Vamp Scepter in this matchup, as it will once again allow you to get ahead of her in health and let you set up a dive with your jungler. Nimbus Cloak again so you can dive easier and so she can't run away with her dashes after you ult.

Irelia: Doran's Blade start. Irelia's early levels are very bad as long as you don't allow her to stack her passive for free. If she is going to Q a minion, stand next to it. If she does use her Q, auto E her instantly. Make her pay for every minion she wants to get. Also, because she can't trade without her passive fully stacked, if she tries to retaliate for you hitting her, she just loses even more. Basically any time that she is in lane and the wave isn't under her tower, and you know the jungler isn't near you can go on her and hit an E auto. If she lands her stun and then Qs onto you, you also beat her there because she will be right next to you and once again, your autos beat her autos in trades.

Urgot: 3 Rejuv Bead start. Urgot can only be killed if he messes up. If he goes for a trade and misses his E, then you can fight him. If he uses his W without reason and the shield goes down, you can fight him. It is also very important to minimize the amount of leg passives he can get off by attack moving with him to not let him circle around you. If he ults you, you can ult during the time he is pulling you in and completely counter his ultimate, and then stand in and fight him, and hopefully kill him before your ultimate goes down. Urgot will also most likely be pushing the wave because of his passive, so you can call your jungler to gank him if he is pushing in.

Renekton: 3 Rejuv Bead start. Renekton is very hard early game, he just beats you. The only way that you can try to beat him is if he uses his Q and E on the wave, and even then he will still probably win trades with just his W and fury. The only time you can start to try to fight him is after Berserker's Greaves, Tiamat, and a fully built item such as PD or Stormrazor.

Fiora: Doran's Blade start. Fiora just wins early game from her Q damage, especially if she lands on a vital. You can start winning after you get your ultimate. If she tries to ult you, then you can go for a W slow. If you land the slow, you can attack her. Make sure that you dodge her W or the attack speed slow will completely negate all of your damage output. If she goes for her ultimate, make sure that you run away, and if this isn't possible, go up against a wall so she can't finish the 4th stack and get the healing part. Nimbus Cloak is required so that you can match her movement speed after she ults.

Aatrox: Doran's Blade or 3 Rejuv Bead start. Aatrox is very unique. If he wastes his Q in lane, then you can fight him, especially if his passive auto attack enhancement is down. All-ins on Aatrox in the early game work if you are able to land at least 2 crits, and have Ignite while he has teleport. If he has Ignite, then 3 Rejuv Bead is the best start because his passive healing from his E will require you to attempt to match his life steal if you want to stay in lane with him. After 6, you can all-in him and try to get his ultimate, and if you get his ultimate, he will be free to trade with until it is back, assuming that your ultimate is still up. Can go early Vamp Scepter here to try to get a health lead on him after taking trades and healing.

Yasuo: Doran's Blade start. You can beat Yasuo in all-ins after level 4, once you get your 2nd point in Q. Make sure that you land your W slow and he will have no chance to beat you without his jungler. Earlier, up to level 3, he will beat you just because his poke is strong and he can then duck off into his minion wave. Be sure to not take a bunch of damage up until level 4 so that you will be able to fight him then.

Teemo: 3 Rejuv Bead start. Teemo can be killed at level 1 if he takes his E first since your auto attacks deal more damage than his do. After that, you just can't fight him unless he wastes his blind. If you try to all-in him while his blind is up, then you will lose and get kited until you die or are forced to back from a bad trade. However, if he does waste his blind, and you can land your W, you can all-in him with Ignite up and go for a kill. After 2nd item, get a QSS so that you can get rid of his blind and attempt to kill him before it is back off cooldown.

Garen: Doran's Blade start. Garen is the opposite of Darius. You must go for long trades against Garen so that he can't just auto Q auto you. If he comes up for a trade, spin through him and then begin auto attacking him. With Conqueror, he will have no chance to beat you as your AD early game will be too high, especially after you get your Q and have the AD boost from getting low on health. Worth noting is that his Q removes all slows, so you must use your W after he uses his Q or the slow will be removed from him.

Camille: Doran's Blade start. If Camille misses her E, all-in her. If she wastes her Q on a minion, you can go for trades against her. Make sure that you don't fight her while she can E and then auto Q auto Q you or you will lose the lane for sure. Once you hit 6, if she goes for kills against you, then you can trade with her, and if she lands her E, you can look to fight her because she won't have any escape and your ultimate will save you for 5 seconds while you're attacking her.

Gangplank: 3 Rejuv Bead start. You can't really do anything about Gangplank. He just beats you early unless he positions wrong. If you are able to E through him, then spin as far as possible and force him to go through you, giving you more chances to auto attack him. Besides this, you mainly want to try not to fall too far behind on farm and make sure that you are able to get an early Tiamat, then begin pushing in the waves. Demolish is good here as you can push in waves and then attack the tower for a large damage boost, and eventually you will push down his tower.

Poppy: 3 Rejuv Bead start. Don't try to fight Poppy early as you will lose to her max health Q damage. Also, don't stand near walls as she can stun you against them. You mostly just have to wait out the laning phase and then try to do something later on in the game. IF she wastes her W or E, and you are safe from the enemy jungler then you can try to attack her, but if they are up, you will lose to a good Poppy player.

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