Eclipsed Meta: Urgot Jungle
The frightening power of Urgot Jungle within the grasp of the summoner.
The frightening power of Urgot Jungle within the grasp of the summoner.
Currently Urgot has made a huge appearance in competitive play all over the world. That glorious, four legged crab monster has been played Mid as well as ADC, but I am here to introduce to you the next viable role for our dear Urgod, the jungle.
Urgot jungle is a very great pick up in very unique situations. He has great damage and dueling potential with his kit. As a very tanky kit with a monstrous beast model, he scares anyone out of their skin before loading screen finishes. Even if he has that overpowered hidden passive, people find away through it. Urgot, in the jungle specifically, is reliant on early counter ganks Pre-6. He applies his very strong passive to enemy champions reducing their damage, allowing your team to be more favorable during the fight.
Starting the Game
Urgot is heavily blue buff reliant. His main source of dps is his Acid Hunter (Q), draining the mana pool quickly to clear the jungle. Due to this specific reason he should be placed near blue buff to clear Gromp then the Blue Sentinels when starting. A key thing to note is that always last hit with your Acid Hunter (Q), that extra 20 mana refund adds up allowing you to sustain way better in the jungle.
Pre-6 Ganking
As a kit with no strong crowd control Pre-6, Urgot jungle has to countergank. Fairly similar to Nunu, you have better ganks and fights with the help of your laner. When ganking, remember to tell teammates, it is always best to coordinate ganks.
Mid to Late Game
After getting your Ultimate, remember to gank pushed in lanes. Trying to gank pushed up lanes will leave you empty handed. During a gank remember to Corrosive Charge (E) the spot you first were standing on so you can fire your multiple Acid Hunters (Q) with ease.
As Jungle Urgot you have multiple ways to build. Preferably going as a Tanky Bruiser to benefit your team or even a Flat Tank. But usually everyone wants to carry so let me tell you that even full AD Urgot is viable.
Pros and Cons of Urgot Jungle
The pros of Urgot Jungle is that he has huge control over team fights; he can place an enemy carry right into the team’s grasp. He has decent counter ganks and with the help of the laner can win fights especially when it’s a balance matchup between the laners and junglers. His kit provides a suppression that supply him with huge amount of defence stats, making him super tanky. He also provides a rapid fire of slowing auto’s and Acid Hunter (Q) as well as damage debuff to his enemies. The final thing he provides the team that is so important right now, in this current meta, is that his Corrosive Charge (E) is an aoe armor reduction debuff.
Although this terrifying super jungler has great pros, there are some things to know about Urgot jungle. He has no form of big engage (besides flash ulting) like all the current tank junglers. He also has no form of knock ups or roots to aid with his Pre-6 ganks. His level 2 clear on camps are really difficult if invaded. Even so, Urgot supplies so much in the late game, that one successful gank that snowballs your team’s early game will guarantee your win.
Urgot Jungle is a free win?
Urgot Jungle can become a massive key player on a team if played well and used well during team fights. Being able to position and dish out damage and apply debuffs to the enemy team will be a component used to win team fights entirely in your favor. Remember just because you picked the most overpowered jungler in the game doesn’t always guarantee your win. So remember that you are a jungler and should still provide lane assistance and wards for your team.