LoL PBE: 5 New Pool Party Skins, 5 new Chroma Packs and New UI Update
We have a bigger update this time with 5 new skins for the Pool Party collection and 5 new Chroma Packs.
We have a bigger update this time with 5 new skins for the Pool Party collection and 5 new Chroma Packs.
A pretty big update has come out on PBE this time, with it being Summer it seems only natural that the Champions jump into their swimwear. Also we have the first big batch of Chroma Packs since their release to live and the new UI has been updated and it back on the PBE.
Pool Party Draven (975RP)
Draven's Pool Party skin is the first on our list and it looks great. The model is awesome and the new particles are pretty fun too. Animations remain unchanged, other than the back animation, but everything else including sounds have been updated with this skin. This is a pretty good skin, not the best in this pack by far but it still really well done and is probably worth the money if you play Draven.
Pool Party Mundo (975RP)
This is my favourite of the pack. This skin is the same as Draven in that the model, particles and sounds have been updated but the animation remains the same bar the back animation. This skin is amazing, the use of a ukulele is something I am a personal fan of and the back animation had me in stiches when I first watched it. You will not be dissapointed with this skin.
Pool Party Lulu (1350RP)
The first of the 1350 skins in this pack, this skin offers new model, particles, sounds, back and auto attack animation, it replaces Pix with a puffer fish and the eyes on her hat bobble when she moves. This skin is good but doesn't seem to be anything special for me personally. It makes sense that it's priced at 1350 but it is not the best skin in the pack.
Pool Party Rek'Sai (1350RP)
Now this skin on the other hand is definitely worth. Same as Lulu, this skin offers a lot. I have been a fan of Rek'Sai since release and this skin is something I will definitely invest in on release. I must say that her new ult animation is probably my favourite thing on PBE right now.
Pool Party Zac (1350RP)
Now I'll be honest with this one, this skin doesn't feel like it should be 1350RP. While yes it does completely redo his particles, sounds and all the rest, it doesn't seem to really resonate very well in the skin itself. I'm not super impressed with this one but I am not mega dissapointed with it either. The back animation is cool too.
Overall this skin pack is great, I have a few issues with it here and there but honestly the skins are cool and I would say if you have the money to spend, go for it. Keep in mind that as of writing this these skins prices are correct but are subject to change, so keep an eye out for that.
Chroma Packs
Also in this update we see the first big update to Chroma packs since release with another 5 being added to the list for Caitlyn, Zac, Darius, Morganan and Rocket Girl Tristana. Chroma pack seem to be doing pretty well, I haven't seen much of them, or just haven't noticed on live but if Riot are still churning them out we can only assume they're doing well enough.
Cait's pack is pretty awesome. Other than the Blue Chroma, which in my opinion looks too similar to vanilla, the colours are cool and vibrant so they will definitely get noticed. I am also a fan of in the pink Chroma, how they changed Cait's hair colour to white to give her an almost a Heartseeker style look.
Morgana's Chroma Pack is up there with the best, the colour choice and the way it maker her look are amazing, the green one especially. Only one of the Chromas were available in game as of writing this but as you can see the other two are just as awesome as the green one.
(Image Courtesy of Surrender@20)
(Image Courtesy of Surrender@20)
This is by far my favourite Chroma Pack right now, I don't even play Darius but I want to if I get to use this pack. Personally the black and gold is where it's at for me but that doesn't mean I like the other two any less, they all look awesome in game. Easily the best Chroma Pack right now in my book.
Rocket Girl Tristana
Since Riot seems to be only releasing one pack per Champion and they also seem to be cherry picking what skin they add them to, I am glad they picked Rocket Girl Tristana. This is a the best skin out of the pack and honestly just looks better than vanilla Trist. The pack itself is awesome as well, the colour choices are great, the overall look of them in game is equally awesome. Just a really solid pack and if you play a lot of Trist and own this skin, definitely worth the buy. I wouldn't say that Chroma Packs are any reason to buy skins specifically but if you already have, or want them, then why not?
This pack I like a lot because the pink one reminds me of Majin Bu from Dragon Ball Z, the other ones are pretty cool too. I like the Chromas that completely change the colour of the champion, like Fizz's pack for example. The colour choice in this one is really loud and I like that, it makes it super noticable which is something I felt was lacking in a lot of the other Chroma Packs from the previous release.
(Image Courtesy of Surrender@20)
Really pleased with the direction that Chroma Packs are going in by the looks of it and Riot are picking awesome Champion/Skin combinations that are really making these more worth while too. If things keep going this way I feel like Chromas will start becoming a lot more common than what I have seen them to be so far and I look forward to the next release.
New UI
This is the 2nd update of the UI which leads me to think that Riot are looking to stick with the design, which right now makes me sad because I'm not too sure whether or not I like it. When they first showed it I hated it striaght away, I thought it looked dumb and the idea itself was just really bad. Now that I have had a chance to calm down and look at it again I think it's growing on me. I still don't like that everything has been brought to the bottom of the screen, and I still don't like where they have put the items. I get the idea of it being that they want to consolidate everything so it's easier to see without having to move around the screen too much but I just don't like the way it looks I do, however, like the style they're using. We will see where it goes though, Riot seem to be taking it down, refining it and then releasing it again so we will have to see what happens down the line. I would very much like some UI customisation though.
That's everything for this update. Overall some pretty awesome stuff coming out and very much looking forward to seeing it all go live, excep the UI. Remember that everything mentioned here is subject to change down the line. Thanks for reading.