Teleport guide: Superior map movement

12 Nov 15


MartaSch, admins


Teleport guide: Superior map movement

Teleport is becoming more significant with every played game. Learn how to use it correctly with our simple guide.

With double teleport turning up at Worlds 2015, the Summoner Spell is becoming more significant with every game. Want to pick teleport top/mid but you are not sure if you'll do any good with it? Don't worry, we have a guide for you.

First of all, let's take a look at the changes that happened to the teleport at the latest patch (5.22). Here's what Riot thinks about it: "Ah, Teleport. A summoner spell made contentious over a season's worth of scrutiny, TP simply didn't have the windows necessary to play around to make it anything short of amazing, even considering the aggressive or defensive options at your disposal. The ability to impact the map every 5 minutes isn't one to be taken lightly, and while we have other changes alongside this to disincentivise Teleport as your 'every game' choice (Rift Herald says hi), we're taking extra measures to ensure that the burden of making the most of your Teleports is even higher, and that the 'get-out-of-jail-free' card isn't as free as it seems." In this patch, Riot has changed channel time of teleport from 3.5 seconds to 4 seconds, and cooldown which was granted to you if you casted teleport on turret has been removed.

The most common use of teleport nowadays (for top lane) is using it to get a jungle camp. This can bring you a great advantage in lane. It can be any camp you want it to be (and that your jungler agrees to), since they give around a same amount of experience. You take a camp, go back to base and buy yourself an item – potions, ward, or something like that. After that, you should teleport to your lane with level 2 and an item advantage.

Now, let's go over on how not to use teleport. You must think of the teleport as an opportunity to impact the rest of the map and bring a lead to your team. Teleport is often misused to get back to lane. In the first 8-10 minutes of the game teleporting back to lane might be all right, but after that – save it. Having teleport after that is huge, because that's usually a point of the game when fights start to come through. After that point, teleport back to your lane only if there's a big wave of minions attacking your turret and it needs to be saved. One minion wave pushing your turret should not be enough for you to teleport back to the lane.

Around 8 minutes in the game, bot lane should be hitting level 6. That's when your teleport is the most important for the objective game. Ganking a bottom lane with teleport usually gets you the Dragon too. So, remember to save your teleport for that. Both bot lane and jungle have to be your gank priorities. This is by far the best way to use teleport, but don't forget to communicate with your team to set the gank up.

Check if your lane opponent has teleport too, and if they do, remember that they'll mostly follow your teleport ganks. It's important to be the first one to teleport to a fight! Also, don't teleport behind your opponents. If it's possible, try to flank them and make sure that your team is in a position to follow up. That way you will give the advantage to your team. Otherwise, they are most likely to just run away.

If you're playing a champion with strong split push abilities, you can use teleport for it. Just remember (again) to communicate with your teammates. Tell them to set up a deep ward for you so you can teleport in to the fight at any point.

One thing that should be basic, but seems to be a common mistake is teleport placement and from where they cast their teleport. Remember to teleport to a location where it can't be cancelled by your opponents. Furthermore, don't forget that crowd control can stop you from teleporting. Cooldown increased on turrets, channel time increased - do not forget that! A cancelled teleport can bait your team into a unfortunate fight. Also, don't be afraid to cancel your teleport if you have a bad feeling about what you're going into.

In the end, remember that, with teleport, you have a greater chance to run up that awesome backdoor!

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