"Ignorance is Fatal": A Zed Guide

20 Feb 17



"Ignorance is Fatal": A Zed Guide

An in-depth look at the burst AD assassin, Zed.

Zed never disappoints to deliver flashy mechanics and that all around assassin feel when playing League of Legends. Since his release in 2012, Zed has been the pinnacle of nightmares for AD Carries, squishy mages, and those of the like. If played correctly, Zed can deliver incredibly high damage during teamfights, map pressure by roaming, and an overall threat to the enemy. Whether you're in low or high elo, Zed's kit is still effective and deadly. However, it is no secret that Zed's skill cap is high, so this guide is aimed to help you reach your goals.

Art by alexflores.artstation.com

Sometimes I think Zed used to be a support then got sick of bot lane and dedicated his life to killing AD carries. If Zed had one job, that's to delete the enemy carry. His shadow play and quick high damage makes Zed a very dangerous guy to run into if you're by yourself. Zed's playstyle mainly revolves around picking out key targets during teamfights or roaming to seek out anyone who is alone and unsuspecting.


  • Easy to CS with
  • Strong laning phase
  • Mobility
  • Mechanical outplay potential


  • Susceptible to CC
  • Heavy reliance on items
  • Zhonya's exists
  • Not a team fighter

Highly Recommended

Flash adds on to Zed's already evasive kit. It's one of the most necessary spells for any champion in League of Legends purely because it can make for a great escape or engage. Flash has proven time and time again its usefulness and Zed can certainly use it.

Zed is reliant on his early to mid game. Having ignite further secures your kills during lane or when you're roaming. Even if you executed Zed's full combo, having the ignite "just to be sure" can make the difference. Sometimes victims can walk off with very little HP and when that happens you're going to wish you had ignite.

Neutral/Possible Picks

If you're a confident Zed and you're aware of your environment, this summoner spell can be a possibility. A pro with this spell is that it applies pressure on top and bot lanes. They know you have teleport and they know you're looking for kills in their lanes whenever a skirmish happens. You might even get a sneaky teleport in and get you and your other lanes snowballing. A con with this spell is that your kill potential in lane greatly decreases. Not only does this affect your early and mid game, but if you don't get a kill with teleport early on it'll be all for nothing.

Not Recommended

Zed is not a brawler. Barrier would only hinder Zed because he either kills his target or escapes immediately. There won't be a dire need to have a barrier. Trading in lane, losing or not, can be dealt with without sacrificing a summoner spell slot.

True, Zed suffers really hard from CC. However, taking cleanse to avoid that situation as Zed is pointless. His kit already helps him avoid situations like a stun in the first place. Having cleanse instead of ignite really takes away Zed's kill potential. It also forces you to play safe when cleanse is on cooldown. The only time you can take this is against Twisted Fate.

I can see some valid points for this spell. Since you're out to get AD carries, this spell would help you do so. But keep in mind, you're only a threat to AD carries if you've done well in your lane and are ahead. Taking exhaust in a solo lane, regardless of matchup, hinders your potential for that early kill. Not as reliant as ignite.

 Most, if not all, of the not recommended spells will say that it decreases Zed's kill potential and this is not an exception. If, by some miracle, the target you comboed and ulted survived, ghost is not going to help Zed finish him off for good. Not to mention Zed's build will most likely have a Youmuu's Ghostblade which replaces ghost all together. Because Ghostblades are just better than regular ghosts.

Mid lane is bursty. There's high damage being brewed in the mid lane. Sure, heal might save you from an enemy ignite, but as Zed your mindset is to get the kill first and keep on killing. Not only does this spell force you to play safe, but it will not help you snowball. You're a little safer, but late game you won't have as much impact as you would had you taken ignite.

No. You already CS well with your passive, there is really no need for you to take smite in lane. Zed is too reliant on his items for mid lane to take a jungle item anyway. Unless you're jungle Zed, this spell shouldn't be in one of your two slots.

Generic Page/Against AP

 x9 Greater Mark of Lethality: Overall these marks are good for assassins. These runes scale much better at mid-late when Zed starts to lose his threat.

x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Health: This is good against AP matchups, but it's also good for a generic and overall page.

x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: The generic page is fairly good against AP. Even if your matchup was AD it's still good to have these glyphs.

x3 Quintessence of Attack Damage: There's almost no better quint than these. As Zed, you want to do as much damage as possible.

Alternatives/Against AD

x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage: If you don't want lethality, flat AD does well especially in the early phases of the game.

 x9 Greater Seal of Armor: Not recommended for an overall page. However, if you want to have a second page specifically for AD matchups then this is a must.

 x3 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist, x6 Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction: If you don't like the magic resist and would like cooldowns, this path would be for you. It's preference, but do note that at level 18 Zed will have maximum cooldown with his items (if you decide to build Youmuu's etc.)

x1 Quintessence of Attack Speed, x2 Quintessence of Attack Damage: Not recommended because the one attack speed quint might as well be more damage for you. This is just more options for you and you can pick and choose what you like and what your preference is.



Tier 1: Sorcery provides additional ability damage which is much better on Zed than attack speed.

Tier 2: Fresh Blood is the better one here because the additional damage from your initial basic attack could either add on to your combo or finish off an enemy.

Tier 3: Vampirism works great for Zed because of his items. If you do build Blade of the Ruined King, this mastery is better than the additional 10 AD at level 18.

Tier 4: Bounty Hunter is of total preference. Tier 4 is totally up to you. I prefer bounty hunter because my goal as Zed is to get rid of targets with my one combo and after that, if the skirmish is still going on, I want to use the additional damage to help take other targets down.


Tier 1: Savagery is better than movement speed out of combat because in addition to your passive this mastery makes laning extremely easy.

Tier 2: Assassin Zed is most dangerous when he catches someone off. This mastery increases the threat of being alone with his target.

Tier 3: Merciless Zed does not use mana so this is the other option.

Tier 4: Dangerous Game is better here because the other two masteries are more for junglers and supports. You can have a bit more survivability after getting into a skirmish with an enemy.

Tier 5: Precision is the better choice over additional and extended cap on cooldown. Zed hits 40% cooldown with his items and extending that Zed may not meet the cap. Additional lethality would be the better choice.


Thunderlord's Decree is incredibly important on Zed. Landing your W>E>Q should be enough to proc it and even if you didn't, your ult will have that much more additional damage. There is no other keystone to quite replace this one on Zed.

Contempt for the Weak (Passive)

  • On-target cooldown: 10
  • Magic Damage

This passive is why Zed's laning is so easy. Zed's basic attacks does 6-10% more against targets whose health are 50% or lower. It's also great for Zed's combo as long as the target is below 50%. Zed can't proc his passive on structures or when an enemy blocks/parries his attack.

Razor Shuriken (Q)

  • Cost: 75 / 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 energy
  • Range: 900
  • Cooldown: 6

Zed's Q makes farming and putting down lane pressure easy. His shuriken does less damage (60% max) to targets after the first hit. You can also use his Q with his Living Shadow to create interesting angles and long ranged hits. Since you have interesting angles with the Q and W combo keep in mind that you can proc some items with it.

Living Shadow (W)

  • Cost: 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 20 Energy
  • Range: 700/1300
  • Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14

Zed's W is where Zed's massive play potential comes from. At first cast, Zed's shadow dashes forward. At second cast, Zed swaps places with his shadow, but he must be in range to do so. Zed's shadow mimics basic abilities but not Zed's ultimate. If you hit a basic ability with his shadow then your energy is restored. Once his shadow is in place, it grants vision.

Shadow Slash (E)

  • Cost: 50 Energy
  • Range: 290
  • Cooldown: 5 / 4.5 / 4 / 3.5 / 3

Zed spins his blades and with every target it hits, his W's cooldown is reduced by 2. If Living Shadow hits with E then the target is slowed for 1.5 seconds. If the target is hit by Zed's primary slash and shadow slash, then the slow is enchanced by 50% and it restore energy. E can also proc items and has no cast time and will not interrupt your movement. Use the slow from your E in order to land your Q much easier.

Death Mark (R)

  • Cost: None
  • Range: 625
  • Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80

Passive: Zed's R has an added passive that grants permanent, but non-stackable, bonus AD. The bonus grants additional 5 (+ 5 / 10 / 15% of target's total AD). Upon first cast, Zed becomes untargetable and dashes behind the enemy. After, he plants the Death Mark and has a 3 second Ghost. Death Mark stores a percentage of damage that Zed deals to the target. When Death Mark detonates, the stored damage percentage plus 100% of Zed's AD is applied. The second cast swaps Zed with his shadow. This shadow can be swapped within any distance. With the right timing, enemies can use Zhonyas to avoid the detonation of your Death Mark. Initiating with your ult comes with risks. This is why Zed is not a team fighter.

Skill Order

Skill order is as follows: Q>E>W. Q is so important to laning and harassing the enemy, this is a must to max first. Your E is not as useful as Q, but it still gives you additional damage and has a slow to make your Q easier to hit. W is the last to be maxed because it doesn't give Zed any additional damage and E already lowers the cooldown on W. Be sure to put a point in your ult at levels 6, 11, and 16. After getting QWE at least one point at level 3, focus on maxing Q first.

Starting Items

Long Sword is a must for Zed. This gives you more AD than Doran's Blade.

x3 Potions or Refillable Potion depends on your preference or what you are up against. 3 potions keeps you longer in lane against poke champions while refillable potion is an option against weak early lane champions.

Core Items

Youmuu's Ghostblade gives Zed cooldown, AD damage, and additional lethality. It's a good overall assassin item because upon activation Youmuu's gives you ghost to quickly reach your target.

Black Cleaver is Zed's core item because it gives him additional damage and health. Black Clever reduces the target's armor and will be useful mid-late game.


Ninja Tabi is good against a heavy AD team or if you're against an AD enemy.

Mercury's Treads is good against heavy AP or an AP matchup. Having tenacity also doesn't hurt.

Example Final Build Against AD


Blade of the Ruined King is great for the active and extra damage. Most of Zed's attack speed and lifesteal comes from this.

Lord Dominik's Regards gives Zed more AD. It's passive is also great if you need armor pen and overall good against tanks.

Guardian Angel gives Zed that magic resist he doesn't have in this build. GA is great for late game when Zed loses most of his effectiveness.

Example Final Build Against AP

Maw of Malmortius is a standard against any AP. Mercs would replace Tabi. The final item is up to you on this one. I prefer Lord's because I'm still out to catch an enemy split pushing or near objectives. GA can still be in this build, but it's completely up to you.


Early Game

You already have a great combo for harassing at level 2 when you get your Living Shadow. W and Q can create either a long ranked single shuriken attack under the turret or 2 shuriken attack with your W. As any solo laner, you will want to harass your opponent out of their lane and shove; therefore creating openings where you can roam.

Zed is a strong laner. Your enemy will know this. Once you hit level 6 and unlock your ult, most likely, if you've been farming and harassing as a Zed should, your enemy will play safe. Because your ult is so important to what makes Zed the assassin that he is, keep an eye on your experience! It's an extra little thing to worry about, but your enemy is watching your level and making sure you don't kill them. If you plan ahead, even by a wave of minions, you can catch your enemy out and get the first kill in your lane. From there, it's a snowball ride.

Mid Game

Zed needs to roam mid game. If either turret is down, Zed has to apply pressure onto the map. At this point, you should have Youmuu's completed in order for your roam to be efficient. Getting a pick every time your R is off cooldown would be ideal. With a little bit of team effort, Zed's pick should secure an objective for the team.

Late Game

Depending on how well you did early and mid, Zed will either be split pushing/catching people split pushing or contributing to teamfights. Sometimes it isn't up to you. If your team teamfights really well I would recommend sticking with them. However, if you feel like you have to carry, you can pick and choose depending on how fed you are. Split pushing requires a bit more trust in your team and if that trust isn't there then I would recommend sticking around teamfights and objectives until you feel like your team is good in a 4v5.



Kassadin's early laning phase is awful. You can take full advantage of him early and mid game and snowball without any problems from Kassadin. Even if Kassadin goes all in to kill you, you should have the upper hand.

Azir will poke you and it won't be as easy as a Kassadin lane. Trading with an Azir early will be stressful, but you can still keep pressure up by keeping your distance and really using your Q. Once you have your 6, you can outplay him, but you have to wait until he uses his escapes or ults.

Twisted Fate has no mobility and if you really want to make a TF cry, take cleanse. Take advantage of his weak early game and harass him with Q and W. It isn't impossible for TF to take you down so don't get too cocky and be careful to dodge his cards.


Ahri, Orianna, Viktor: These are just three of the neutral champions that Zed can either win or lose. There's a lot to list, but these are three of the general matchups that are fun to play against. It all depends on each player's skill in that champion.


 No amount of flashy shadows can help you escape Lissandra's ult. Once she's got you in her ice tomb, you're probably dead. But before she gets her ult, she's pretty vulnerable. Take her down before she takes you down.

Kayle's ult is a huge counter to your ult. She also has the upper hand in terms of harass in lane. It's just an overall difficult match up and I recommend farming safely. But if you really want to atleast be at the same level as her you could ask for a gank pre lvl 6.

Kennen has mobility and CCs on top of you. He's fairly safe and can save himself from your combo with his stuns. Dueling with Kennen usually doesn't turn out well for Zed. You can try to roam against him, but he's a bit quicker than you.


Take advantage of the fact that you have 2 shadows: your W and your R. For more experienced players, they'll try to CC you after you reappear. Knowing you have your W and R, you have more options on where you reappear and a much greater chance at confusing your enemy. You can also use your shadows to create distance between you and a brawler and slowly stacking up damage for your ultimate. Don't forget, you don't have to have the finishing blow. Your shadow can get the kill for you.


Zed is a strong early and mid laner whose roaming capabilities puts pressure on the map. Zed's kit is designed for flashy outplays and plenty of options to escape or kill an enemy. Being one of the worst nightmares for AD carries, Zed's high damage output deletes problem carries in any teamfight. If Zed is split pushing, he can create openings for objectives that your team can follow up on. If you want to play a great assassin and feel really cool while playing, Zed is your guy.

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