Best Champions for Learning New Roles – League of Legends

3 Feb 19


Zooph, members


Best Champions for Learning New Roles – League of Legends

Want to try out a new role but don’t know who to play? This guide advises the best choices to start!

The new Season is finally here, and there are many people who might want to try to pick up a new role with the new Ranking system in place for this split. This guide will advise the best mechanically simple Champions to help you learn the new role while not having to worry about learning a mechanically difficult Champion as well.

Learning a new role can be daunting, especially in Ranked, so try out some of these suggested Champions in Normal Games to get a feel for the role first and move into Ranked when you are more comfortable. We will start by looking at the Top Lane first and moving our way down the Rift. So, let’s begin by moving into the Top Lane!


Top Lane is often dominated by Champions that are Tanks or Fighters, so the best Champion to pick up to adapt to this role would have to be Garen. Garen has a very simple kit that is easy to pick up and learn very quickly, and he is a great Champion to learn the Top Lane with as he can be built completely as a Tank or a Fighter.

His kit consists of an empowered basic attack that will also silence the enemy, the ability to gain a large amount of Tenacity and Damage Reduction, an AoE spin damaging enemies near him, and an execute on his Ultimate ability. This allows him to trade well in lane, as well as have decent survivability against ganks. The large amount of Tenacity that he can gain is why he can fend off ganks so well. If the enemy ganking you has a lot of CC, then you activate your massive Tenacity buff and the CC will not have nearly as powerful an effect on you. When you go in to trade with the enemy, you want to silence them and activate your AoE ability to chip away at their Health.

Should you lose a trade, that is okay! Garen’s Passive allows him to gain a large amount of Health back out of combat. So just fall back for a bit and regenerate your Health before you decide to go back in. With Garen, you will not need to worry about learning the distance of any skillshots, because he does not have any!

The simplicity of his kit will allow you to focus more on the lane rather than having to learn a new complex Champion as well as learning the lane, which is why Garen is a perfect starting Champion if you are looking to pick up Top Lane as one of your new roles! Moving down Summoner’s Rift we make our way into the Jungle.


For my Jungle pick, I will have to go with Rammus. Rammus is a powerful Champion all around the board. His kit, like Garen’s, is simple and can be learned quickly. The most difficult thing to learn about Jungling would be learning the proper Jungle paths to take.

Jungle is a complex role to learn, but a very good one to know when playing League of Legends. There are basically three parts to learning how to Jungle properly and they would be Jungle pathing to clear your Jungle most efficiently, learning when to gank, and counter-jungling. Rammus is good at all of these things.

Rammus is an extremely tanky Champion that can gank effectively and counter-jungle very well, as well as clear his Jungle pretty well. His kit includes a Movement Speed buff that will knock up and slow enemies he runs into. This is what makes him so effective at ganking lanes. Combine this with his taunt and you have a powerful CC chain that will prove to be hard for your enemies to combat. This is taken a step further, as Rammus’ kit also has an ability that increases his defenses further and makes it so enemies will take damage when damaging him.

Rammus’ Ultimate ability deals Magic Damage to the area around him which can also make him effective in teamfights too and also aids in pushing the lane with your teammates. Again, Rammus has a simple kit, but it is very effective. This will help when counter-jungling as well should you run into the enemy Jungler.

In this situation, if you cannot fight them, you can use your Movement Speed buff to easily get away from them, as there are very few Champions that can actually catch up to Rammus in a chase. I believe Rammus to be the best Champion to pick up when learning the Jungle Role. Taking one more step down the Rift we arrive in the Mid Lane.


The Mid Lane is often filled with Mages and as such a Champion that fits the mold would be a good place to start. For this reason, I recommend playing Annie to learn the Mid Lane. Annie is a simple Mage, again with a simple kit. I am sure you have noticed the trend of simple kits by now! Annie can deal large amounts of Magic Damage and has a very powerful Passive that adds to her destructive power. Annie’s Passive makes it so that after she has casted four spells, her next offensive spell will stun the enemy or enemies hit. Annie, unlike the previously mentioned Champions, has two skillshots in her kit. You will have to get a bit used to her casting range for these two abilities but that is about it.

Annie can fend off a lot of Champions because of her stun, so if someone jumps on you, you can stun them and pelt them with all of your offensive abilities. Annie has one defensive spell and it grants her increased resistances to basic attacks and damages those who damage her with basic attacks.

This can be useful to get a little bit of extra damage on someone who is playing aggressively against you. Annie is also a strong Champion to learn for the Mid Lane as you have the potential to stun multiple enemies with your Ultimate ability, which summons her bear Tibbers to fight alongside you in a target location, dealing Magic Damage to those he lands on, or your other skillshot which sprays a fan of fire in a target direction.

Furthermore, Annie can farm minions effectively with her Q ability, Disintegrate. Half of the spell's Cooldown and its entire mana cost will be refunded if she last hits an enemy with this ability. This makes it very easy to last hit enemy minions with Annie without having to worry too much about Mana costs. Because of this you will be able to focus a bit more on the lane itself rather than having to worry too much about managing your Champion as well.

Annie has a lot of potential, and this is what makes her such a great pick for learning the Mid Lane! Now we move down the Rift once more to take a look at the Role of ADC.


For ADC, I recommend Ashe. All ADCs rely heavily on basic attacks to be their main sources of damage and Ashe is no different. Being an ADC means that when it comes to fighting in lane and in teamfights you will have to focus a fair amount on kiting the enemies in order to win trades.

Ashe can do this effectively as her Passive makes it so that basic attacking enemies slows them. Slowing the enemy, as you can imagine, will keep them off of you as well as keep them from getting away from you. This benefits you quite well as, once you get used to this, you will be able to keep the enemies right where you want them.

Furthermore, Ashe can fire arrows in a large cone that will damage. This provides that added benefit of damaging multiple targets in group fighting situations. Ashe also has the ability to fire a skillshot anywhere on the map to gain vision of that area for a short duration. This can help your team to gain vision of the enemy Jungler to better prepare themselves for enemy ganks.

Finally, Ashe’s Ultimate fires a large arrow in a target direction with a global range that will damage and stun an enemy that is hit and slow and damage enemies that are near the impacted area. The stun duration is based off of the distance the arrow travels. This is a very powerful tool for engaging and disengaging fights.

Ashe’s kit is not overly complex and is easily learned. This again will allow you to focus on learning the lane and not have to worry about learning a mechanically intense ADC at the same time. For the aforementioned reasons, Ashe is the best ADC to pick up when learning the role of ADCs. We now come to our final destination in the Support Role.


For the Support Role, Tank Champions with a lot of CC built into their kit are often best. I recommend picking up Leona. As a Support your aim is to aid your ADC to allow them to get ahead and help carry the game and Leona has great potential to do this. Leona is a Champion that can go in and essentially grab a hold of the enemy while your ADC lays into them.

To do this, Leona has the ability to cast a skillshot in a target direction and the last enemy Champion hit will be briefly immobilized as Leona dashes to them. After this she is guaranteed to land her empowered basic attack that will stun the enemy struck. This allows your ADC ample time to deal a large amount of damage without having to worry about taking damage from the stunned target. Furthermore, Leona’s Ultimate ability calls a ray of sunlight in a target location, damaging and stunning enemies in the center of the affected area. Enemies on the outside of the affected area will be heavily slowed.

This can be used as a powerful engage or disengage tool. Along with this, Leona’s tankiness makes her harder to punish when she goes in and can often survive for a while in the heat of a battle. You will always want to focus enemy carries with your CC first so that your team can take them out as quickly as possible, and this can be done effectively due to the simplicity of this Champion’s kit.

Hopefully you try out these Champions if you are looking to pick up new Roles this season as I believe them to be the best options for learning each of these Roles. Again, take them into a few Normal Games first to get a feel for them and the Role and then look to climb up the ladder with the new Champions that you have now added to your Champion Pool. Good Luck Summoners and we hope to see you succeed in your coming battles out on Summoner’s Rift!

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