Lighting it Up with Phoenix - VALORANT Agent Guide

7 Apr 20


MichaelKelly, contributors


Lighting it Up with Phoenix - VALORANT Agent Guide

Phoenix is one of Valorant's most versatile characters. Here's how to master him. 

The VALORANT closed beta is underway and whether you were one of the lucky 100,000 players to get their hands on an access key or not, you’re probably still caught up in the hype of Riot Games’ new character-based tactile FPS. With a vast roster of unique characters - known as agents - VALORANT is bringing elements of many FPS titles together to form one of the most intriguing character lineups that the genre has ever seen.

Regardless of your experience with VALORANT thus far, chances are, you’d want to master (or at least get a basic grip on) the entire assortment of agents that the game is throwing your way. However, it’s easier to start off with one that you’ll be seeing a lot of.

Perhaps the most popular operative to emerge in the early phases of the game’s closed beta is Phoenix. His strong playmaking potential, heavy damage output, and incredible utility all combine to make him an all-around threat that easily secures a spot in the hearts of VALORANT players everywhere. With so many factors and tangible strengths, Phoenix is already climbing up tier lists everywhere and is already being touted as the strongest agent in the game.

Another factor that weighs into the early success and popularity of Phoenix is that he’s an agent who is incredibly friendly to newer players, as his kit will teach VALORANT beginners everything they need to know about utility. Here's everything you need to know to master the character.


Phoenix’s abilities are perfect for any duel, as they excel in terms of utility and quick spurts of damage. In many situations, you’ll be up close and personal with the enemy, so having a kit that plays to that strength is definitely a characteristic that helps Phoenix excel. Also, some of Phoenix’s abilities allow him to take control of vision and chokepoints quite easily, making him one of the most formidable characters on the roster when it comes to the strategy and positioning elements of VALORANT.


A wall of fire that you can curve to your command as it casts. The wall acts as a smokescreen that obscures vision and deals damage to enemies that walk through it. Additionally, if Phoenix stands on the wall, he’ll receive healing. Blaze’s strength relies on its ability to wall off certain chokes or set up a barrier between your team and the opposition during spike planting scenarios, so be sure to save this incredibly versatile ability for the most optimal moments possible.


A molotov-style projectile that will deal AoE damage to enemies who stand in its vicinity. Additionally, the ability heals Phoenix if he stands in the flames. This ability does not have a traditional cooldown, but instead is refreshed whenever Phoenix gets two kills. Try to use Hothands at a distance when in an advantageous state. Its ability to derail the opposing team’s push through a choke is one of the strongest pieces of Phoenix’s kit.


An explosive projectile that you can throw against a wall to blind enemies hiding around corners. This ability will curve around corners in a similar fashion to the way you control Blaze. In a similar vein to many traditional flashbangs in other FPS titles, Curveball will also blind allies as well as yourself. So be careful who’s in your vicinity when you let this ability rip.

Run it Back (Ultimate)

After casting this ability at his current location, Phoenix is given a brief window of time to return to the location with full health upon death or whenever the timer runs out. While this ability might seem downright ridiculous on the surface, there certainly is counterplay. Not only is the window of opportunity relatively short, but while Phoenix is casting Run it Back, he’s extremely vulnerable to attacks. If he’s out in the open, you’ll have about one or two extra seconds to lay into him.

Optimal Weapons

Due to Phoenix’s ability to excel at close range, SMGs will most likely be his best option in any gunfight. Here are two of the most optimal weapons that fit his unique playstyle.


The Stinger is a weapon that focuses on a high rate of fire and quick bursts of damage. Since it only costs 1000 credits, it’s a cheaper option for Phoenix that he’ll be able to pick up in the early stages of a game. From there, you can snowball with this weapon and find success picking up early kills.


In a similar fashion to the Stinger, the Spectre is a high-grade SMG that allows Phoenix to increase his odds in a duel. Although his kit already gives him the upper hand in most 1-on-1 scenarios, that’s only half the battle. The Spectre completes that puzzle with a relatively quick firing rate and medium wall penetration. Pick this firearm up as your main weapon of choice when you have the extra money to spend on potential throughput.

Tips and Tricks

- Run it Back is one of the stronger Ultimate abilities in the game thanks to all the creative things you can do with it. Use it when you’re looking to go into a fight guns blazing or simply trying to scout a potentially dangerous area. Having the extra safety blanket that the ability provides in your back pocket is most definitely an advantage. However, be sure to cast it from a location where you aren’t visible. The ability is a pretty big time sink in a game where every second matters.

- Phoenix’s strongest skill in terms of utility is manipulating sight lines and establishing control over what the enemy team sees and doesn’t see. Whether you’re blocking off a choke with Hothands or protecting your team with a Blaze wall, your top priority every round should be manipulating the map to your advantage.

- The versatility behind Curveball is incredible. Try to curve the ability off of walls, giving you a tactile advantage against a blinded enemy when you peek around a corner. If you find yourself underneath an enemy, whether on a ledge or in a nearby window, you can use Curveball from the ground to hurl a projectile through the air, blinding that enemy above you and allowing you or an ally to capitalize on their weakened state.

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