Ariana, Tabzz's Girlfriend, discusses the challenges with supporting a pro League of Legends player and his career

4 Jun 15



Ariana, Tabzz's Girlfriend, discusses the challenges with supporting a pro League of Legends player and his career

Ariana discusses the challenges of supporting a professional League of Legends player.

Erik "Tabzz" van Helvert has represented Europe at the League of Legends World Championship for the last two years in a row. After not playing in the 2015 Spring Split he rejoined Elements to compete for another place at worlds. In this interview, his girlfriend Ariana explains how she is adjusting to his return to the competitive stage and how she supports him in his career.

How did you guys first meet and what led you to start dating?

Ariana: Well, I used to do some content (photography) for SHC in Summer Split 2014 and I think that's the first time we saw each other. He followed me on Twitter during Worlds 2014 and then we met up after he was back. And yeah, so it was just a really great match from the start, I guess.

How long have you been involved in E-sports, and was it only photography?

Ariana: Pretty much only photography and I started in May 2014. But right now I don't make any content.

Starting a relationship during the off-season must have made things easier, has it been a difficult adjustment keeping up with him during the LCS?

Ariana: I think main difference are our schedules. LCS teams start scrimming at 3PM and are done at 10PM (if they have 2 blocks) and I'm still in school so I wanna go to bed at around 11pm. So we can't skype together as much as we used to, but we still try to skype regularly. We see each other twice a month normally and that's the same amount as in the off-season.

How did his split away from the LCS affect you two?

Ariana: He wasn't really sure what he wanted to do. So sometimes when it was too much he wasn't in the best mood but I don't think it affected us as a couple.

Has his mood improved now that he's playing again?

Ariana: I guess so because he is not sitting at home anymore all the time and doing "nothing".

Are you excited to get to watch him play in the LCS again?

Ariana: I'm kinda scared because I don't want to see him lose. Like I'd rather have them stomping someone/getting stomped instead of having really close games because I just get too nervous.

Do you think it will be worse if you go to watch him live?

Ariana: I think so because the emotions get even stronger there. But if they lose I feel like I can be there for him and could try my best to cheer him up.

Do you think he takes losses harder than most players?

Ariana: I don't think so or I guess it depends how they lost. I'm the emotional one in this relationship so sometimes I make things appear worse than they are.

So you get upset for him when they lose?

Ariana: Yes. Is that weird?

Probably not.

Do you get along with his teammates?

Ariana: Yes, they are all super nice and funny guys.

Since most LCS players are pretty young, do you think girlfriends can be a large detriment to their work ethic, and do coaches and the support staff ever try to get them to avoid women?

Ariana: I think girlfriends in LCS can be a good or bad thing. Many people think that girlfriends just have bad influence on the players. The most important thing is that they [the girlfriends] support their boyfriend and that they don't force them to decide between League and them. It's really important as well that they realize that it's actually their job and if they are scrimming they don't have time to text with each other. That's the hard part and since many players are so young and for most of them it's their first love they won't realize this. But as I said, girlfriends can be a big support too if they know how to support their partner (Cooking, cleaning, cheering up etc).

In Elements the girlfriends are allowed in the gaming house but not in the office because they shouldn't interfere with their work which I think is a pretty smart decision. 3 out of the 5 players in Elements have girlfriends and Nyph has one as well. Everyone can deal with it and there are no exceptions made which I think is good.

How has your view of League and E-sports changed since you started dating him?

Ariana: Everyone thinks mainly just about themselves (but it is like that in the real world as well) and that making friends is really hard sometimes but Erik has such a nice team so I think he's a really lucky guy!

I don't play that much League anymore and if I play I play the best mode; DOMINION!!!

Oh god.

Ariana: Dominion's best. I actually can’t play on summoner’s rift anymore, I’m aggressive.

What is the best way you've found to support him during the regular season?

Ariana: When I'm over I try to keep him outside as much as I can. He sits inside a lot which isn't the most healthy thing (especially because he has Vitamin D deficiency) so I go to the city with him and get him good food because they mainly eat unhealthy. They just eat fast food and barely any vegetables so I either cook for him or we go out for food.

When I'm not there I try to motivate him and I'm always interested how he's doing at work. Knowing that I support him all the time helps him too I guess.

Any final remarks or shout outs?

Ariana: Imagine Imaqtpie dressed as Star Guardian Lux.


You can follow her on Twitter over at @ariiimon.

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