Cheese Strategy: Play Debuffer Twitch In The Jungle

31 Aug 15


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Cheese Strategy: Play Debuffer Twitch In The Jungle

Sniff out your enemies from the jungle with Debuff Twitch, the teamfighting, ganking cheese pick sensation!

The Season 4 MVP Marksman has had a very strong competitive showing through the years, since then falling out of top-tier into a competitive niche pick. However, Twitch still has very defined strengths and a unique kit that can really take control of a game.

Originally a hypercarry made for the bottom lane, Twitch has shown clear strengths as a Jungler through his high map pressure and snowball potential. Able to solo red buff with near full HP and carry out a level 2 stealth gank, Twitch can cheese many games into his teams favor from the first couple of minutes while scaling very effectively through multiple builds. Jungle Twitch is moreso viable for lower elos to pull off easy snowballs but it's also easy to work around him in higher elo Ranked 5s and build teams around him.

Early Strategy

Jungle Twitch is very similar to Evelynn and is a gank based Jungler. His farming at early levels is rather difficult due to his low base stats but his kit covers counter-ganking and early ganks enough to make up for his weaknesses. Despite all of that, Jungle Twitch is always able to solo red buff at Lv1 and come out with above 3/4 health, allowing him to stealth into any lane for a devastating Lv2 gank with red buff. Like Evelynn, Twitch will draw fear all over the map and be able to come into any lane he chooses while being unseen for high damage and easy kills.

Late Strategy

Twitch naturally scales super hard into the late game with many build paths open to him as a Jungler. His teamfighting is top tier and with a Runaan's Hurricane, Blade of the Ruined King, and Sated Devourer he's capable of tearing the entire enemy team apart by himself. Jungle Twitch has two common buildpaths, one which is the typical ADC snowball build (Devourer, Blade of the Ruined King, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Infinite Edge core) and the Debuff build (Devourer, Blade of the Ruined King, The Black Cleaver, Runaan's Hurricane core) which is a build focused on teamfighting and is very difficult to itemize against. This build will also weaken the enemy teams armor for your own ADC while making Twitch a bit more survivable than usual, thus turning him from an ADC to a Utility Carry in a sense. Despite his build paths, Jungle Twitch will always excel at making picks lategame through his stealth - which can very easily end a game on the spot. His priorities lategame are to force teams into 5v5s in his advantage or pick off one enemy to force a 4v5 or objective for his team. Twitch can also easily set up vision across the map with his stealth, but can easily be picked off if he runs past a pink ward.

Noteable Bonus Strategies

- Twitch has amazing synergy with Cassiopeia, as she can infinitely use her E (Twin Fang) on any enemies poisoned by Twitch's auto attacks. If you're looking for a free first blood, solo your red buff for Lv2 then gank your Cassiopeia mid!
- Patience will reward a good Jungle Twitch. Stealthing into a brush in a lane and waiting to stealth again can really catch an enemy off guard if they've been warding outside of their lane and they'll have no idea how you got there or how to set up their future wards.
- Twitch is also a decent Lv2 invader once he's grabbed red buff, his huge DoT + element of surprise can easily net a kill on a Jungler doing a camp.
- Mid lane is the easiest lane to gank from your own side of the lane with stealth as the lane is so short and you don't have to wait for the enemy laner to over-extend.

- Map pressure. Nothing scarier than seeing your top lane get first blooded by the enemy Twitch Jungle and waiting for your turn - better spend on those wards fast.
- Snowballs hard. Sated Devourer and Blade of the Ruined King will really destroy anyone, especially with Twitch's inherent steroids.
- Very high damage with red buff on top of passive poison.
- Difficult to itemize against the Debuff build due to armor shred, %health and on-hit magic damage spread across your entire team.
- Becomes hard to kill with the Debuff build once he gets some health.
- Strong pick potential to close out games due to stealth.
- Very powerful teamfighter.
- Easily tilts enemy laners if successfully camping one lane.

- Vulnerable to early invades.
- Very weak earlygame if focused.
- Falls behind pretty easily if ganks aren't pulled off.
- Lacks utility or tank stats that a more vanilla Jungler would provide.


Jungle Twitch is a cheese pick & plays similarly to Evelynn through snowballing his team early, unlike Evelynn his scaling is very high and his teamfighting is superb. Can be built as a traditional or utility carry, both dealing very high damage. Very fun pick overall.

If you're interested in more info about Debuff Twitch such as his skill order & item builds then check out this guide -

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