Apex Legends: Everything You Need to Know About the Wild Frontier Battle Pass

25 Mar 19


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Apex Legends: Everything You Need to Know About the Wild Frontier Battle Pass

The first season in Apex Legends has started and we got a new Battle Pass to grind out! Let's see what it's all about... 

After weeks of rumors around the new Legend, Octane, and the potential upcoming Season, we've finally received what we all wanted. We published our guide on Octane a few days ago, so make sure that you also check that one out! Going back to the subject that this article is about, we're going to review the Battle Pass and if it's actually worth it. Let's get right into it!

Battle Pass System

First off, we're going into detail on how the system actually works - it's straightforward but definitely nice to know before you decide to purchase it!

The Battle Pass includes 100 levels that you level up alongside the conventional method of leveling. The XP you gain towards the Pass is determined in the exact same fashion as the standard leveling system. XP gained throughout the season will count towards both your personal level and your seasonal level, if you've bought the Battle Pass. Season 1 Wild Frontier will end on June 18th, meaning that you'll have plenty of time before the Season actually ends.

Respawn Entertainment has encouraged players to play different Legends throughout the season, as you'll be rewarded with bonus XP for playing each Legend. This bonus XP will cap out when you've earned 25k on the specific Legend.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are two ways of purchasing the Wild Frontier Battle Pass. The first one being the standard "Battle Pass" option for 950 Apex Coins. 950 Apex Coins will cost you 10 Euros/Dollars, and you'll have 50 Apex Coins left over.

Go for this first option if you're aiming to grind out the Season from start to finish, as it'll be the best value for your money!

The second option that Apex Legends offers you is the "Wild Frontier Bundle". This is just the normal Wild Frontier Battle Pass but with the first 25 levels already unlocked for you, which means that you'll have to play less to actually get to level 100. This "Bundle" costs 2800 Apex Coins or 28 Euros/Dollars, meaning that it'll cost you significantly more than the normal Battle Pass option for 950 Apex Coins.

You'll also be able to buy separate levels along the way for 150 Apex Coins a piece! If you'd want to go from level 1 all the way to level 100 you'd be spending 148.50 Euros/Dollars to get there in this manner.


The Battle Pass is filled with rewards that that range from less significant to actually being quite good! We've compiled a list of what you can actually expect in the Battle Pass going from level 1 all the way to level 100:

• Weapon/Legend Skins
• Apex Packs (One with a guaranteed Legendary cosmetic and the other one with a guaranteed Epic cosmetic)
• Unique Season 1 Stat Trackers
• Apex Coins (A grand total of 1000 are to be earned throughout the entirety of the Battle Pass)
• Quips
• XP Boosts
• Badges

Wild Frontier Badge unlocked at the level 110 Bonus.

At the time of purchasing the Battle Pass you'll also receive these items:

• Revolutionary Lifeline Skin
• Survivor Wraith Skin
• Outlaw Mirage Skin

Skins/Badges/Stat Trackers that are bound to this Season can't be earned outside of the Battle Pass and will permanently disappear once the Season is over. Keep this in mind when it's nearing its end around the 18th of June!

Is It Worth It?

This is up in the air as of this moment, most people are currently on the fence about buying the Battle Pass due to the lack of rewards that really stand out to them. If you're certain that you want to support this game and like the cosmetics that are offered in the Wild Frontier Battle Pass, there's no doubt in my mind that you should purchase it.

You'll be able to earn your Apex Coins back to spend on the Season 2 Battle Pass (assuming they won't increase the price) or spend it on Apex Packs/cosmetics from the store.


In my opinion, this Battle Pass could have been a bit better since it doesn't change anything to the way you actually play the game. It does offer good rewards that you can only gain by throwing money towards the game or actually grinding it out and improving at the game. The exclusive items that await you at the end of the Battle Pass are certainly worth it if you're into it for the long run. That's all we have for now, if you enjoyed this content consider checking out all of our other guides on Apex Legends!

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