Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Clash Royale Gameplay
We've lined up the 5 most important aspects of your gameplay when trying to improve!
We've lined up the 5 most important aspects of your gameplay when trying to improve!
Clash Royale is the first internationally recognized mobile eSport with multiple established teams from both NA and EU taking part. With this newly gained audience, a growing player base only seems natural. Winning is fun and the whole game revolves around climbing the ladder to get a larger amount of gold/gems and new cards that unlock with each arena that you reach, leaving us questioning the crucial factors of improving and outplaying your opponents. We've found out and we're eager to share this information and letting you possibly become a much smarter player!
1) Find Out What Cards Your Enemies Use
This may seem easy to pick up on and straightforward, but many people on the lower spectrum of the ladder actually repeat their aggressive plays into your counters. Figuring out what the enemy has made their personal deck around is extremely important, resulting in you playing differently according to the number of minions the enemy cards possess and the counters to your own deck that they have.
For example, if the enemy is using Skeleton Army and a Horde of Minions combined with the Rage Potion in the same lane, it's important to keep that combination in mind and keep a counter in your hand when you've seen the full rotation of his deck. Don't get fooled twice by the combination that could potentially overwhelm you!
2) Build Your Deck around Combinations and Counters
Building your deck with the right balance of Elixir and card synergies will always remain a fundamental part of your success in Clash Royale. If you've seen a certain trend happening in your arena, try to build a deck around countering most of the opponents' combinations.
A well-balanced deck leaning towards AoE removal, this deck is great to use around Arena 5 to 6.
Try to stay around a 3.7 to 4.2 average Elixir cost to remain a balance of your cards and you not blowing out all of your power on one side of the battlefield. Combinations are also extremely important. Constantly try out cards and the synergy that you may discover between them. For example, the Clone spell is most viable when used with cards that have on-death effects (i.e. the Balloon or the Giant Skeleton) or a large number of minions (which are possible to still counter, so this option is less reliable).
3) Avoid Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket
A common mistake, even at higher levels. Never spend all of your Elixir on a certain part of the map and especially not before the enemy has made a move. Keep count of the Elixir costs of your enemies' cards and how much they still have left when you're going for an all-out attack because it can really leave you fighting an uphill battle for the remainder of the battle with the requirement of the enemy making a mistake or you having the perfect cards to counter the enemy right after.
4) Patience is Key
When you're starting a new game, you should certainly not be in a rush. Predicting where the enemy is going to put their minions and waiting before they make the first move is quite important because they could possibly waste Elixir that they may need to counter your combination. If you have maximum Elixir, you want to spend it on putting a slow minion behind your King or a building that may increase the amount of pressure on the lane that it's put upon. To give an example, if the enemy puts down an 8-Elixir combination on the left lane which you're able to counter with 5 to 6 Elixir, you could immediately put down a minion on the other lane (preferably a fast minion to add a surprise effect).
The Spear Goblins, Prince, and Horde of Minions are some examples of fast-moving minions. Don't forget that you can make every minion in the game move (even) faster with the Rage Spell!
5) Stay Unpredictable
In Clash Royale, you can subconsciously play into your enemies' hands. With the tips previously mentioned in this guide, future opponents can also use this against you. Keeping cards in your hand for extended periods of time can be beneficial due to the impression that you give the enemy. They may be left wondering if you're saving it up for a combination or a counter play. Not using all of your cards is also recommended, since it'll add some mystery to those two or three cards that you haven't revealed yet. Just remember that these cards shouldn't be some average cards like Spear Kobolds but some special kind of flavour that you've added to your deck that can really have a big impact on the plays that are made against you.
These are some tips that newer players can use and have definitely helped us improve. Always remember to have a positive mental attitude when starting a game and prevent going on tilt streaks possibly costing you a large number of trophies. We hope that you've learned something from this guide and for more Clash Royale, stay tuned with Team Dignitas!