Overwatch New 3v3 and 1v1 Ranked Mode In The Future?!

13 Jan 18


DanteDemonZ, members


Overwatch New 3v3 and 1v1 Ranked Mode In The Future?!

A look at Arcade and it’s perhaps missed or hidden potential.

Now if you know me, you’ll know that I'm a big fan of the game Smite. Specifically, the 3v3 Joust mode which I play with my two friends every week for fun. While playing Overwatch Arcade modes (grinding out for those Winter Loot Boxes as you do) and getting really into the 3v3s as well as the 1v1s, I thought about its potential for a competitive mode. Smite has had the 1v1 duel option in ranked for a long time and now has 3v3 ranked (Joust) as well.

Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, could this even work in Overwatch? We can never know, but what do have is this old message hidden around the forums Jeff Kaplan (Blizzard’s Vice President).

What he states is that if the mode gains in popularity, they are open to adding stat pages for them such as they already do Quick Play and Competitive Seasons. Also, keeping an eye on community sentiment to ‘creating a competitive version down the road.’ So yes, this is entirely possible. And yes, this is an old message, so why talk about it now? Right now, the modes are seeing a lot more play than usual because of the free loot box reward systems they have within arcade mode, and due to the Winter Wonderland Christmas event, many are grinding out to get the skins they want (Santa Torbjorn, let’s be real here). If the modes continue to see popular use after the event is over, then it is very possible we may get stat pages, it is very possible. The problem we have is how many players are playing it to wind down from competitive and grind out loot boxes and how many players are actually seriously into the 1v1 and 3v3 modes.

Yes, it would be great to see how many times I’ve won the Soldier mirror or how many times I’ve lost the madness that is the Torbjorn or Symmetra mirror. And it would be great to see which team synergies work the best in 3v3 (So far, Roadhog and Ana with a DPS seem to be doing wonders in my experience). And I honestly think that down the line, we will get stat pages for these modes as they do seem intent to keep them forever as far as we know. But what about Ranked? Do we really need another ranked mode? No. No, we don’t and many arguments can be made as why it may be a bad idea. Let’s look at it this way. Say 3v3 became a real competitive ranked mode that even high level or pro players got into. It would have a completely different meta from the main 6v6 competitive that we have now. Some characters could be ridiculous in the main competitive mode but terrible in 3v3. Imagine changing that character to help it in 3v3, which would in turn would make 6v6's meta completely different also. It would be hard to make sure the characters are perfectly fine in both modes without being over or under powered in either one. Well Blizzard can do it, but they’d have to treat 3v3 ranked like Smite does.

By treating it like a less serious thing, the meta in it wouldn’t be a problem or important to them. There would be no character changes or balances due to 3v3, and 3v3 ranked would earn less competitive points than the main 6v6. If they do this and you make it a much less serious ranked mode, a ranked for the casual players or players who like 3v3, then Blizzard could get away with it. Smite does actually have a 3v3 Joust series but you have to remember this is a MOBA, not an FPS with MOBA-like aspects. If they were to do this, Blizzard would still have to make 6v6 priority and 3v3 more a casual thing (to start off with anyway, who knows 3v3 could be a competitive hit). Maybe I’m just overreacting about the balance. Maybe 3v3 could make a fine competitive mode that offers variety from the main one. Personally, I think it would be a difficult but honestly, we can never know until it happens (if it ever does).

1v1 is a much harder case as many view it as luck of the draw and getting a ranked mode for this would definitely get vocal feedback from the community. Maybe you should be able to select and change your heroes, or maybe they should just leave it how it is and see how the community finds it. I can’t really tell. I personally think a 1v1 ladder could bring in a lot of players, as it would not only give players rewards but it would force players to play characters they may not be playing and can help people learn intricacies of new heroes. I think people saying it is all luck are wrong and should give the mode a chance. It's fun and encourages you to learn all the characters a bit. It would be fun in my opinion, but again I don’t know how the community would feel about that. All I know is for both these modes, 6v6 will always be the competitive team priority and that people shouldn’t see these other modes as an easier way to get golden guns (even if they ever become actual competitive modes).

For now, I think some stat pages is fine. There’s a difference between supporting your game and adding more content and then adding too much seasoning that its flavours become confusing and too much to handle. It may be Christmas, but don’t get too greedy for presents. Blizzard are treating us well with much more content to come and I look forward to covering it (especially Doomfist whenever that happens).

Anyone who does play ranked Smite 3v3 or 1v1 feel free to contact me on twitter @DanteDemonZ and let me know about how balanced they are and how they work as I am certainly no expert on those modes. And of course, everyone feel free to let me know if you’d want stat pages or even competitive arcade modes. Happy Feast of Winter Vale and a Merry Winter Wonderland to all!

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