Moira: The Deadly Doctor
Let's take a quick look at what Moira excels at and how she'll fit in with the current meta.
Let's take a quick look at what Moira excels at and how she'll fit in with the current meta.
Moira's recent addition to the roster has had a significant impact on the current meta. Her kit provides a good balance of both healing and damage, making her a decent pick for any situation. Right now, she has the potential to out-heal the current top healer, Mercy, but how does she hold up against the other support heroes in general?
Moira is somewhat of a jack of all trades, master of none. She's got top-tier healing (Limited though. We'll get to that later.) and enough damage to fight off flankers and finish off stragglers. Let's quickly go through her kit.
On paper, her abilities may seem a bit much, but ingame you'll notice that she requires a bit of resource management to be effective.
First of all, her main healing ability is resource-based. While her healing spray may seem absurdly strong, it runs out extremely fast if not managed properly. The only way to recharge it is to deal damage with her secondary fire, which is easier said than done, especially if the other team is running Reinhardt/Orisa. It does recharge slowly over time, but it won't be enough to heal anyone in the middle of a team fight. This is where Biotic Orb comes into play.
If you're a little careless with your spraying, you can always throw out a quick healing orb. This ability also has its limits though. While it does heal for 75 per second, its total healing caps at only 300. This means that if you're using it to heal several people at once, the orb will fizzle out almost instantly.
The damage version of Biotic Orb works the same way. It only deals 50 damage per second for a maximum of 200. It's very powerful in 1v1 situations, but don't expect to do much damage if you throw it towards a group of people. Despite its limitations though, Biotic Orb is great for building ult charge.
Her ultimate ability, Coalescence, is pretty much a beefed up version of her primary and secondary fire. Simply put, it's a really long beam that pierces everyone and deals an insane amount of healing while also dealing a bit of damage to enemies. It's a really powerful support ult that also works very well in combination with an Earthshatter or Graviton Surge.
Moira synergizes well with all of the other healers in the game. With proper resource management and positioning, she can be a great main healer in almost any comp.
One of the most ideal team comps for Moira would be a deathball comp. Due to the nature of deathballs, it'll be very easy for Moira to keep everyone alive with her AoE heals. This also lets her safely recharge her healing on enemies as she moves in close with the rest of her team.
She's also decent with and against dive compositions. Her self-sustain (which also bypasses Deflect and Defense Matrix) and Fade allows her to face off against most flankers. In a dive comp, she can help divers by throwing out either versions of Biotic Orb, depending on the situation. Coalescence's range also allows her to assist flankers by both keeping them alive and providing supplementary damage to their targets.
It's still too early to tell if Moira will be a staple pick in competitive games, but she's looking very solid so far. The abundance of chokepoints in every map, coupled with her ability to completely bypass barriers, makes her a favorable pick in just about any situation.
What do you think about Moira? Is she balanced? Maybe she's a bit overtuned? Let us know in the comments below!
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