PUBG Weapon Attachments - Which Are The Best?

19 Mar 18


Squid, members


PUBG Weapon Attachments - Which Are The Best?

In this guide, we'll be going through all of the weapon attachments in the game and why some of them are worth a lot more than others!

Attachments are very important in the game of PUBG, sometimes making the crucial difference between getting spotted and shot at or getting that kill with the last 10 extra bullets that you got from that extended magazine while spraying someone close-range. We'll be covering every attachment thoroughly but to save you from reading an endless wall of text we'll be covering the same attachment for every weapon division at the same time, so we will not be repeating any information. The information in this guide is subjective since it always comes down to personal preference. With that being said, let's get right into the guide!

Muzzle Attachments

Muzzle attachments are the most impactful attachments and can make a weapon twice as effective.

Compensators are probably the best overall muzzle attachments, being the most important attachment on ARs and SMGs. The Compensators make spraying a lot easier but do not reduce the kickback on weapons. Avoid these attachments on bolt-action Sniper Rifles, but this is probably the best pick-up you can get for the semi-automatic Sniper Rifle due to their high level of vertical recoil.

The Suppressor is the rarest muzzle attachment to find for the most used weapons (ARs and SRs). They all look the same except for their difference in size which will probably fool you once or twice thinking you found an AR Suppressor but in reality, it's an SMG or Pistol suppressor. To be honest, the attachment description doesn't say that it reduces recoil in any shape or form but I feel like it's a little bit easier to spray with it than without a muzzle attachment. Use this attachment for your weapon that you use on long-range but not on an S12K or an SMG, it's just not worth it.

The Flash Hiders were once a very commonly used muzzle attachment, but with the removal of maps with a certain weather condition (Fog and Rain), you rarely see them being used. The Flash Hiders hide the muzzle's flash and reduces both vertical/horizontal recoil which sounds very good on paper. In practice, it's very different - the recoil reduction is non-existent compared to the Compensator's recoil reduction, it's nice that it hides the muzzle flash but it doesn't hide your position at all due to the noise your gun will make. Only pick these up when you don't have a Compensator or Suppressor and it's barely viable on a Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle.

The Shotgun Choke is decent, but on a normal level it's not even worth it to use shotguns outside of the early game.

Lower Rail Attachments

The Vertical Foregrip is the most used Lower Rail attachment, offering a well-balanced reduction for both vertical and horizontal recoil. I myself use this attachment the most on this slot since I think it's viable for every weapon doesn't matter if it's a UMP-9 or an SKS.

The Quiver reduces reload speed by 30% but it's only for the Crossbow... which is a weapon that only gets used for making clips since it's not even remotely viable.

The Angled Foregrip is kind of like the Vertical Foregrip, but it reduces horizontal recoil a lot more than the vertical recoil which kind of throws it out of balance. You can't use this attachment on the SKS and Vector which makes it more situational and secretly reduces the time it takes to ADS (aim down sight) by 10% which may sound good but in reality, it's useless.

Modified Magazines

Extended Magazines/Extended Quickdraw Magazines are the ones you should always look for and it's pretty simple as to why you should use them. Not having to reload as soon as you normally would is very good and you can use more bullets for your sprays on SMGs and ARs.

Quickdraw Magazines aren't worth it, since they'll maybe save you two to three seconds at most and you'll still have to get behind cover anyways.

Upper Rail attachments (Scopes/Sights)

The Sights are both good to use and your own preference should be the deciding factor for which you should use. By holding left-shift while aiming down sight, you can zoom in up to a 2x Scope until your breath runs out. Swap between the sights and scopes for your AR depending on the distance and always use these for Shotguns/SMG's

The 2x Scope has a green reticle in the middle and is inferior to all the other scopes. Not being able to zoom in/out or look to the left/right side outside of the scope itself while aiming down sight really makes it useless since you can't use it for long-range at all.

The 4x Scope is by chance the most used scope in the game since it's very user friendly and remains viable on every long-range weapon. On Sniper Rifles (except the Mini-14), the reticle becomes a crosshair and on the AK it becomes a circle which means that it adapts on every weapon.

The 8x scope is a very good scope to use on ARs and SRs but is limited due to it's rarity. If you find this scope, you can ditch your 4x Scope since the 8x can zoom out to a 4x since Patch 1.0 (Miramar update). Just be careful that the zooming doesn't stay the same if you switch your weapons or holster them. (Same goes for the 15x Scope)

The 15x Scope is almost identical to the 8x scope with it's strengths and downfalls. The extreme rarity of this scope makes it almost impossible to practice with and zooms in too far when you're in the late-game. You can zoom out to an 8x which is nice, but that doesn't compensate for the other problems that this scope yields.


Bullet Loops are the only stock attachment you can use on the Shotgun, which'll always make it a good pick-up. For the Kar98k Bullet Loops, you have a choice between the Cheek Pad and the Bullet Loops, which are a lot harder to find. Always prioritize the Bullet Loops since the Cheek Pad reduces recoil which is irrelevant since the Kar98k's kickback isn't affected by those effects.

M416/Vector's Tactical Stock is what makes those weapons superior above all others. If you complete the attachment set for these 2 weapons make them very good, but it's hard to complete the weapon so it may be worse earlier in the game. If you don't have this attachment, it's a better option to just take the Scar-L or Micro-Uzi which both are almost the same weapons except for the fact that your personal preference may not agree.

For the Cheek Pad and the Stock on the Micro-Uzi kind of goes the same, you should only use the Cheek Pad on one weapon that weapon being the SKS or Mk14 since you can't put it on the Mini-14 and remains useless on every other Sniper Rifle in the game since they're all bolt-action Sniper Rifles. The stock on the Micro-Uzi is nice if you like the weapon, but doesn't let you choose between any other options so it's a natural go-to.


Attachments are important, but shouldn't be the decisive factor if you'll pick up a weapon or not. Always pick up every attachment you think you may want to use later in the game so you don't have to scavenge around for attachments when you found the weapon you want to use. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it, good luck on the battlegrounds!

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