Rocket League: Training Packs and Workshop Maps To Improve
Rocket League

29 Jan 19


PajHola, members


Rocket League: Training Packs and Workshop Maps To Improve

A list of recommended custom training and workshop maps to help you improve.

Training Mode is one of the most valuable assets that should be utilized in each Rocket League player’s quest for improvement. In addition to Free Play and pre-made training options by Psyonix, Custom Training is a great way to practice specific skill sets. Custom Training packs are all created by players in the community, and as a result there are so many different packs to explore and learn from.

In this article, I have created a list of Training Packs and Workshop maps that I would personally recommend checking out for certain skills.


For dribbling, the best way to practice is always with Free Play. Just hop into a session, and pick the ball up on your car. Try to keep it there as long as possible without the ball touching the ground. Once you get comfortable with this, try mixing it up by throwing in a couple of jumps and power slides.

Another interesting workshop pack is Dribbling Challenge #2.

With 30 Levels, Dribbling Challenge #2 is worthy of having "challenge" in its name. The goal is to carry the ball on the hood of your car all the way across the level to the black gate. However, the terrain you must carry the ball over gets more and more difficult as the challenge progresses.

If you are looking to improve your dribbling, this is the number one tool to assist you, as it tests your current skills and helps develop the necessary ones to continue through the challenge.

Another pack to check out is "Dribbles" by Poquito (BFF5-2F90-5E7C-B9CD). This 28 shot pack sets the ball up for you to dribble into the net from different positions all over the Arctagon map.

Aerial Car Control

For aerial car control, these two Workshop maps are great ways to work on the precision of each of your adjustments, especially in the later stages of Obstacle Course #2. If you feel like you are very comfortable with the courses normally, try to freestyle it and make it more challenging for yourself.

Obstacle Course #2

Obstacle Course #2 is an aerial challenge that thoroughly tests a player's car control and momentum. Even by level 4, the course is enough of a challenge for most. Its high level of difficulty can yield huge results for players seeking to improve their car control, but only if enough time is put into the challenge.

With tight angles and small pathways, this Workshop map is sure to challenge even the most talented of players.

Speed Jump: Boost

Speed Jump: Boost is a Workshop map that has the player turn off the "Unlimited Boost in Free Play" option and combine their boost management and aerial skills to try to manuver around obstacles to touch the ball and continue through the levels.

The map has three levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Because of this, the map appeals to all levels of players, so it has a challenge in store for everyone. The map will help make you proficient in boost management as well as aerial control.

Boost Management

Boost management is a tough skill to work on outside of online play, as the majority of it comes from split second in-game decisions that are often unpredictable. However, the Speed Jump Workshop map is a great way to learn to sparingly use your boost.

Speed Jump: Boost

*For information about Speed Jump: Boost, see the previous section on Aerial Car Control*

Wall/Ceiling Shots/Flip Resets

These are the shots that we all want to be able to do consistently, and one of the best ways to learn is by repetition. The 10 Second Air Dribble Challenge is an awesome way to improve your control in air dribbles. Most other custom training packs that have "air dribble" in the name are typically good options for practicing as well. The best packs are those that require the player to set themselves up. Having the ball thrown up the wall for you to work with is always easier, but setting yourself up is always a key part of the shot, as without a proper set up, the shot cannot be executed.

10 Second Air Dribble Challenge

The 10 Second Air Dribble Challenge is an awesome way for players to start to become more consistent with consecutive touches.

The goal of the challenge is to keep the ball off of the ground for as long as possible, with your air dribble being timed from when you first touch the ball to when it hits the ground.

The goal for most people is to keep the ball up for more than 10 seconds, but see if you can get even more than that!

"Self-Set Backboard Consistency" by FlabbyNostril (23BC-0377-C228-A338)

This 25 shot pack lobs the ball up for you to hit onto the backboard and set yourself up for a double touch.

"Backboard Self-Setup" by SaintChimera (5C55-429F-7031-3E4C)

This short 2 shot pack has the ball rolling fast across the opponent's half of the field, coming from the corner. The pack helps with close range backboard shots that can catch the opponent off guard when they may be expecting a power shot at the goal.

"Air Dribbles" by L APAHCHHII L (ECE7-F71A-5F48-7B46)

This 3 shot pack places the ball in the center waiting to be set up onto the wall by the player. It helps a lot with learning how to properly set up wall shots for yourself.


Redirect training packs are self explanatory, and the ones that I have listed are not the only good packs. Explore around the custom training menu, and try a couple others out!

"Aerial Shots: Redirects" by Poquito (8D93-C997-0ACD-8416)

This 40 shot pack has lots of pass-like setups that you will attempt to score from many different types of angles.

"Breakaway Passes" by Lethamyr (5A61-5289-FD96-5884)

This 15 shot pack has lots of powerful passes for the player to boom towards the net. This helps a lot with learning how to properly recieve passes and redirect them into the net.

Basic Aerial Shots

Basic aerial shots are the roots of every good shot, and a good place to start is with the aerial training options created by Psyonix. After that, move on to more challenging shots.

"Aerial Shots - Pass" by Poquito (C7E0-9E0B-B739-A899)

This 48 shot pack features common basic aerials that players who are starting to get more proficient at aerials can practice on to become very consistent at the basics.

Powershot Consistency

Accurate shots are an incredibly important attribute to a consistent player, and should be practiced more than often. These are just a couple packs that will feed you some shots that will help improve your consistency.

"Ground Shots" by Poquito (6EB1-79B2-33B8-681C)

This 50 shot pack has plenty of powerful ground passes for players to boom into the net and help refine their powershot technique.

"Wall Shots" by Poquito (9F6D-4387-4C57-2E4B)

This 48 shot pack has everything a player needs to become more proficient in producing powerful wall shots.

Backboard Rebounds

Reading the backboard is a key element to speeding up a player's game. Thorough training in this skill will be sure to help you reach the ball before defenders and score more goals.

"Backboard Shots" by Lachinio (AFFD-5023-BD4F-D320)

This short 8 shot training pack has a variety of backboard shots ranging from right next to the net to far above the goal.

"Backboard Shots" by Squishy (2486-EEA6-B887-A040)

This 10 shot pack has a lot of awkward backboard bounces that commonly fool most or are considered unpredictable. This pack will help train you to read those unpredictable bounces.

"Backboard Shots - Consistency" by Noir1992 (FDC7-3073-501D-0054)

This 10 shot pack is pretty self-explanatory. It has backboard shots set up for you to try to score.

"Aerial Shots - Rebound" by Poquito (E94F-C04B-434D-7FE6)

Like all of Poquito's previously mentioned packs, this 34 shot pack has lots of set up attempts for the player to try to score rebounds off of the backboard and wall.

Most Non-Ball Mechanics:

I included this section because lots of times people want to practice mechanics-like wavedashes or half flips-that do not directly include the ball. These are best learned and mastered through time spent in free play doing the mechanic repeatedly.

Final Notes

Training is one of the best modes to put your time into if you really want to improve on specifics. If you want more information on why training is so valuable, check out my other article here. Since Custom Training is a community powered source, there is a virtually endless supply of new training packs that are out there for you to explore. The ones that I have listed here, along with the multiple Workshop maps, are just my personally recommended packs for different skill sets, so try to check them out. Good Luck!

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