Galactic Domination with Sorcerer Gangplank: TFT Comp Guide
Why fight fair when you could just one shot everything in TFT?
Why fight fair when you could just one shot everything in TFT?
*Patch 10.12 Update: The newest TFT patch saw Vel'koz (and lux) phased out of rotation, but the core composition still remains. Viktor was added as a new 4-cost sorcerer, which will directly take Vel'koz's place in the composition and will use similar items and strategy. TLDR - use Viktor where Vel'koz is called for*
Do you hate how long it takes to finish a round of TFT? Think obliterating the competition with tons of damage is more effective than chipping away from behind your frontline? Then I have the composition for you. Sorcerer Gangplank.
Trait Breakdown
Mercenary - You can spend gold to upgrade these units
- Gangplank’s upgrades are all amazing and add to his AOE and/or damage
Sorcerer - 2/4/6 units increase all allied spell power by 20%/40%/75%
- Sorcerers aren’t only strong casters on their own, but increase everyone’s ability power without items
Star Guardian - Star Guardian’s spellcasts grant mana to other Star Guardians (spread between them) 3/6/9 units spread 25/40/55 mana
- More mana means more abilities being used, which in turn means more mana and increased damage output.
You’ll be looking for a variety of units throughout the game, so I’ll give you a quick list here and they’ll be explained more in depth later on.
Poppy [1-cost] (Star Guardian/Vanguard)
Zoe [1-cost] (Star Guardian/Sorcerer)
Twisted Fate [1-cost] (Chrono/Sorcerer)
Ahri [2-cost] (Star Guardian/Sorcerer)
Annie [2-cost] (Mech-Pilot/Sorcerer)
Lux [2-cost] (Dark Star/Sorcerer)
Syndra [2-cost] (Star Guardian/Sorcerer)
Vel’Koz [4-cost] (Void/Sorcerer)
Xerath [5-cost] (Dark Star/Sorcerer)
Gangplank [5-cost] (Space Pirate/Mercenary/Demolitionist)
Early Game
To be honest, Sorcerers early game are kind of bad. So your goal for the early game is to collect ‘em all and put whatever units in so you can preserve your health. It’s recommended that you’re grabbing as many Poppy, Twisted Fate, and Zoes as you can along the way. You’ll transition out of your early game composition, but try your best to build a team that’ll keep you somewhat healthy.
Vanguard units are great early game units to be putting in. You’re already going to be collecting Poppys, so you’ll have an easy trait bonus there. These units also make it possible to use your weaker 1-cost Sorcerers if they’re your best options, as Vanguards should be tanky enough to let your backline get a spellcast or two off before they’re the main focus.
Now, to explain why we want Poppy specifically. She’s a strong early game unit and a beefy mid to late game unit. Secondly, she’s a Star Guardian, a critical subclass in your composition. Star Guardians provide each other with mana, allowing them to cast more often. More casts, more damage, more mana, you get the idea.
In terms of leveling, push level 4 around the first carousel. You can level before it if you need the extra unit, but shoot for level 4 by stage 2-5. Level 5 should be hit between stages 3-1 and 3-3. Our goal is to get to Vel’Koz at a steady pace, but also to not fall behind the lobby. You may still be in a weird mishmash of compositions here, that’s still fine. You’re really not relying on the Sorcerer trait damage unit you hit Vel’Koz.
Remember, you’re collecting Sorcerers (and Poppy) for now, whatever team you want to build to give the other players in the lobby trouble is A-okay!
Mid Game
Between stages 4-1 and 4-3, you want to be level 6. At this point we’ve got a 10% chance of hitting 4-cost units and finding our Vel’Koz. Getting to level 7 is still important to increase our odds, but this is a good start.
Depending on how your rolls have gone up until now your composition could look different. However, at this point we can ideally have 4 Sorcerers, at least 2 Star Guardians and 2 Vanguard. Vanguard isn’t the most important part, assuming your Poppy is strong enough, you can replace it for more damage/a different trait bonus.
Looking at the units available to us at this point. To get the “ideal” composition as listed above you would have Zoe, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Syndra, Poppy and any other Vanguard unit. Please note that Twisted Fate in this scenario is entirely interchangeable with any other Sorcerer. This list is assuming that you have a higher tier TF than you would have any of the 2-cost Sorcerers, if that’s the opposite then please feel free to swap them.
Our goal at this point has shifted from survival to victory. Maintain your econ to level to level 7 between 4-5 and 5-1. At level 7 there’s a 15% chance to roll 4-cost units and a 2% to roll 5-cost. We’ll sit here for a bit and look to make our composition stronger. Pick up any sorcerers you need and keep an eye out for Vel’koz.
If you hit Vel'Koz, swap out your weakest unit, whether that be the lowest star unit or the lowest overall damaging unit.
Late Game
Really the only thing to do here is hit level 8 and find Gangplank. Xerath is nice, but not necessary as in some situations your higher star units may be better than him (due to trait buffs and items). Once you’re level 8, it’s really up to you how you want to play the roll game. You can maintain an above 50 econ pool unless you get pressured and hyperroll for units, or you can employ the floating between 20-40 gold while rolling strategy.
Gangplank will replace your second Vanguard, should you still have one, or any units that aren’t contributing meaningful synergies or damage. Something like Twisted Fate, Annie, Lux, even Xerath - as their traits don’t work with Star Guardian and Sorcerer (do not remove them if they’re giving you part of the 6 Sorcerer buff).
Gangplank and Vel’koz are your main sources of damage and they deal massive amounts to a large number of units. Everything else is there to protect them, buff their damage or give them mana.
A quick side-note, while it may be seen as counterintuitive to the composition, if you have to choose between a couple under-starred units to hit 6 Sorcerers as opposed to 4 Sorcerers and stronger units, choose the stronger composition (unless you’re confident that you can win).
Poppy and Gangplank will be your frontline. Gangplank needs to be in melee range to get his ult charged, so no point in hiding him away and Poppy is your tank.
Vel’koz should be in the middle of your team, row-wise that is. This way he can auto attack at a safe distance to build ult charge and won’t be the primary target of any infiltrators. If you’ve put Chalice, Ardent, Locket or any team buff items on a unit(s) then place that unit(s) near Vel’koz.
Scatter your remaining Sorcerers in the backline. This will protect Vel’koz from infiltrators and protect your team from any area of effect abilities in general.
This composition benefits greatly from the following categories of items: Mana items (producing or giving more mana), Ability Power items (raw ability power, critical ability strikes or healing from abilities), Augmentive items (making more units Star Guardians or another Demolitionist for GP) and Defensive items (counter crowd control items for the backline and tank stats for Poppy).
Gangplank is looking for: Jeweled Gauntlet, this is a must, it will allow his ult to crit and deal absurd damage. A Deathcap is good on him for raw damage as well. You could consider putting a Gunblade on him for lifesteal or a Guardian Angel for defense, as well as making him a Star Guardian for the extra mana gain.
Vel’koz is looking for: Either Shojins or Seraph's, extra mana on Vel'Koz is a must (making him a Star Guardian is also an option). Quicksilver is a great defensive option and ensures he can get his damage out no matter what. Deathcap is good for a raw damage increase.
Poppy is looking for: Ionic Spark to reduce the enemy’s magic resistance and Bramble Vest to increase her survivability.
The “Support” Sorcerer: This is that unit(s) placed near Vel’koz, either with a Chalice or some other supportive item. Any of these types of items are fine and should be used to support Vel’koz. (These items aren't always needed/obtained and should be focused on after getting the tank and carries their items. If you aren't in a position to build these, then you won't have this "support" character)