How to Convert Your Mouse Sensitivity to VALORANT

10 Apr 20


Sui, admins


How to Convert Your Mouse Sensitivity to VALORANT

This article helps you find the right mouse sensitivity for VALORANT.

If you've been lucky enough to get access to the closed beta of VALORANT, you probably face the same challenge that everyone has; to configure all the settings just right so everything feels smooth and comfortable. One of the most important factors when playing a new game is feeling comfortable with your mouse sensitivity so your aim is on point. This is not an easy task when every game has a different sensitivity feeling no matter what value you choose on the sensitivity slider in the settings.

Finding that exact right value across different games can be challenging, but luckily there is a simple trick. Community member zilladak1ng did his homework and created a tool that helps you convert your sensitivity from games like Overwatch and CSGO directly to the equivalent VALORANT value.

To make sure your aim in VALORANT feels very familiar and comfortable, use the following calculation to find your VALORANT mouse sensitivity:

CS:GO - Divide sensitivity by 3.18
Apex Legends - Divide sensitivity by 3.18
Overwatch - Divide sensitivity by 10.6
Destiny 2 - Divide sensitivity by 10.6
Call of Duty: Warzone - Divide sensitivity by 10.6
Rainbow Six Siege - Divide sensitivity by 12.2

You can also have a look at this tool that lets you do the conversion on your own.

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VALORANT is a competitive first-person-shooter that places players in a five-verus-five match. The player can choose from nine agents, each with four unique abilities. The game combines elements from games like Counter-Strike with elements from Overwatch and League of Legends. The result is an awesome shooter game where both excellent aiming and smart ability usage is rewarded.

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