Geek Out over Overwatch: A compilation of all Blizzard fan service

12 Jan 18


LilWonderRed, members


Geek Out over Overwatch: A compilation of all Blizzard fan service

Need more Overwatch in your life? Check out some Blizzard Fan Service!

Growing up, I've always enjoyed a good character narrative. Overwatch has made no exceptions with their grand storytelling and artistry, which adds depth and interest to their newest game. Good lore only adds to the excitement we feel when playing a game, and Overwatch nails riveting characters.

Want to dive into even more Overwatch lore and nerdom? Here's some fan service that'll make you laugh, cry, and geek out.

Animated Shorts:

It's no secret that Overwatch's animated shorts are giving even Pixar a run for their money. With a million billion views, PlayOverwatch's Youtube feels our love. Who can blame us? Nerds at heart, gamers love anything that brings us more of the characters we love.

Recall (Link)

"Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be." -Dr. Harold Winston

After Overwatch was disbanded, all Overwatch activity was declared illegal by the PETRAS ACT, and punishable by prosecution. What's a scientist to do? The second Omnic Crisis plagues Russia, and before you can say peanut butter, ex-Overwatch agent, now Reaper, assaults Athena for data on all Overwatch agents! Winston must decide whether to reactivate Overwatch!

Alive (Link)

"At the moment of the kill, they are never more alive." -Widowmaker

Now villainous and quite blue, Widow's on a mission to eliminate an important Omnic figure head, protesting for peace between humans and omnics, all while schooling us on the arts of emotional assassination. Tracer discovers the Talon agent crashing the party and takes matters into her own hands...but is only left questioning the motives of her former ally.

Dragons (Link)

"I will not grant you the death you wish for, you still have a purpose in this life..." -Genji Shimada

Que the tears. This heartfelt battle of dragons and brothers, and brotherly dragons, finds both redemption and forgiveness for the Shimada Clan. Along with some wicked cool Japanese style artwork, this short touches on the convictions of family and leaves Hanzo with a side to choose.

Hero (Link)

"Old habits die hard..." -Soldier 76

An homage in my opinion to both Captain America and a little bit of Wolverine, Soldier 76's heroics are needed in Dorado. The Los Muertos gang's influence over the city and a young girl's heart, is pounded into the ground by this old soldier. The undying watchful protector can't give up on what he knows is right.

The Last Bastion (Link)

"(Cute encouraging chirping here)" -Ganymede, Bastion's Feathered Friendo

Strikingly beautiful and reminiscent of Disney's Beauty and the Beast movie intro, we find Ganymede deep in the forest, curiously investigating everyone's favorite robot. Can Bastion bear to confront his war-torn past? His new birdie friend maybe the key to unlocking his softer side. Ganymede, you're our only hope!

Digital Comics:

COMIC BOOKS, CAN YOU GET ANY COOLER?? Here is a list (complete with links to each comic) of all the digital comics Overwatch is offering. FOR FREE. Yup. Even cooler than before. You make Bob Kane and Stan Lee proud Blizzard.

McCree Train Hopper, Issue #1


Reindhardt Dragon Slayer, Issue #2


Junkrat & Roadhog Going Legit, Issue #3

Ooo Shiny!

Symmetra A Better World, Issue #4

*Makes turrets*

Pharah Mission Statement, Issue #5

Justice to your face!

Torbjorn Destroyer, Issue #6

Only dwarf things!

Ana Legacy, Issue #7

*Sips tea*

Ana Old Soldiers, Issue #8

Mom and Dad's day out.

What's Blizzard trying to tell us?

In the original Overwatch Cinematic Trailer, Tracer inspires two young boys, "The world could always use more heroes," she tells them, after just narrowly escaping a conflict with both Reaper and Widowmaker. Now, I don't know about you, but that definitely tugs on my heart strings. In a not so simple world, complete with shotgun-wielding psychopaths, maybe we should dare to see it, not for what it appears to be, but for a world in need. A world in need of hope, a world in need of heroes. Is that not why we play heroic games friends? I would like to think we're all heroes....and maybe, just maybe, at least to Blizzard, we are. That's what a good game and good characters bring us, inspiration and hope.

Stay Tuned...

Part of cultivating a community is creating content for them that they actually care about. Overwatch offers 22 characters, each with unique abilities and backstories that are enough to satisfy even the most skeptical of geeks and gamers. Animated shorts and comics are just the tip of the Overwatch iceberg, and I can't wait to see what awesomeness we get to drool over next.

Speaking of what's next, Blizzard plans to release a new map, Eichenwalde, as discussed at this year's Gamescom, more events like the Summer Games, new heroes, emotes, skins, and officially published Dark Horse Overwatch comics/graphic novel.

So finish your peanut butter scientists, we've got a world to save!

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