Guidelines to Lane Map Pressure
Your prescence on the map has more imapct then you think. Discover how you can use it!
Your prescence on the map has more imapct then you think. Discover how you can use it!
Different roles create different kinds of lane pressure. The pressure each role has can spike at different points in the game, whether it's a leveling, build, or objective spike, so you'll need to determine when your champion is most influential and take advantage of that. We'll go over each position and when they have their power spike, and go in-depth about a few champions that have the strongest influence those positions.
Top Lane:
Top laners have always had their own unique pressure. Typically a top laner has either Teleport or a Teleport like ability, such as Shen's Stand United, Pantheon's Skyfall, etc. This pressure keeps your enemy on their toes so long as they know that your Teleport is up. It is important to keep your enemy unaware of when you've used Teleport when you're not using it to pressure a fight.
Top's pressure against Junglers is also very important. High mobility or hard CC champs are going to be very effective at defending against invasions during the laning phase and aiding invasions of the enemy jungle. As a top laner you are also capable of keeping track of the enemy Jungler. You can do this by warding your tri-bush as well as the enemy's blue or red camp.
It is important to note that your pressure is limited when your enemy's minions have built up in lane. When the enemy can clearly see their minions built up, they’ll know that you’ll be near top or risk losing turret if the enemy’s Teleport is up. This is really crucial to keep track of, especially with the recent double Teleport meta. Champions with higher self-sustain are more resistant to this kind of Teleport pressure as they do not need to leave lane often. Always be sure to shove in your waves before you back.
Mid Lane:
Mid lane is one of the most influential lanes when it comes to map pressure. Second to the Jungler, mid has the easiest access to all of the map. Mid lane roaming may not be as popular as it used to be, but it's still just as effective if the enemy does not pay attention and call MIAs. Mid laners with early game power spikes can take advantage of a more late game focused enemy team comp. Your pressure can easily be underestimated and secure you a steady power lead throughout your game.
Early mid lane presence in bot lane can secure the first dragon, which is very crucial to a sated Jungler. Mid laners have the easiest route to be able to ward the enemy Jungler buffs and pink river. With the aid of your Jungler, your ganks in top and bot can be twice as effective.
Bot Lane:
Bot lane has a very unique influence on map pressure. With the newest changes ADC’s are much more influential throughout the game. Bot lane’s most important pressure influence is the early game dragon buff pressure. Bot, being the only duo lane, has the most roaming influence. An ADC that's ahead can quickly shove the lane with their support and then roam to dragon or mid. Their ganks offer the most effectiveness. And because there are two characters, there is no CC for damage trade-off like there is for a single champion trying to gank.
It is crucial to watch for the bot lane’s presence. Whichever side wins bottom lane is assured a dragon if they are able to correctly take advantage of their lead. A bot lane that's ahead also ensures a steady power spike for Hypercarries, which can be difficult to deal with. A well fed Carry with Homeguard can be the most influential champion in the game. Carries like Graves, Jinx, and Tristana can quickly stop backdoors, and they push towers just as fast. Paired with the right top laners, they can quickly become a sure way to win games. There is little room for mistakes after a Carry's lane is fed.
Map and lane pressure is always growing more influential. It is important to remember that your lane's pressure is most influential at certain times in game and you must take advantage of that power spike. If you pass up your power spike opportunity, it’s best to assist the next power spike rather than trying to catch up. You will catch up by simply moving with your team's pressure. Jungler’s with early map pressure (Rek’ Sai, Lee Sin, Shaco, etc.) really need to take advantage of their early game pressure. Carries and top lane Juggernauts that spike really hard late game need to be sure that their power spikes are inevitable and to assist their early game Carries as much as they can. They’ll be there during the late game to carry the rest. Most importantly, you must remember to watch for the enemy’s pressure spikes. Watch for Junglers that are close to level 6, watch for low bottom towers for Dragon follow-ups, and watch for enemy lanes that are ahead. If you pressure their most influential roles when they're vulnerable, the enemy team will stay on a steady downward curve toward your victory.
This has been my explanation of 5v5 map pressure. Please feel free to discuss further techniques below and remember to have fun implementing anything you’ve taken from this on Summoner’s Rift!
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