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Rocket League

7 May 24



How to Rank Up in 2v2 with Arsenal

With the help of Dignitas pro player Arsenal, this guide will run you through some essential tips to shoot up the ranks in 2v2!

In Rocket League, 2v2 is one of the most popular gamemodes; similarly, it is also one of the hardest to master. Though it seems similar enough to 3v3 and 1v1, lying somewhere in the middle, the gamemode has nuances that are difficult to get around, and understanding the gamemode takes time. With Supersonic Legend and professional Dignitas RLCS player Tshaka "Arsenal" Lateef Taylor Jr, we’ll run through some of the most important aspects of 2v2 improvement.

The Mechanic to Master - the 50/50

To start off, I asked Arsenal about what he believes is the most important mechanic to work on for 2v2:

The best mechanic people can learn to master 2v2 is the 50/50, not just trying to beat your opponent to the ball all the time. Sometimes you just need to 50/50 the ball. And also learning how to not give away possession. All the flip resets and everything, you only get those opportunities when the other team gives you space. If a team is challenging right and making good decisions, you won’t have that space, so you have to learn good 50/50s to create that space on your own.

- Arsenal

The quintessential 2v2 mechanic is one of the most basic: the 50/50 challenge. However, despite its apparent simplicity, it’s anything but - mastering the 50/50 is a science that even the highest ranks of players continue to work on.

As Arsenal says, the main utility of the 50/50 is to make space; especially at the higher levels of the game, the space to make plays is far harder to come by. Though a flip reset may seem unpredictable and hard to defend - not to mention flashy - two opponents in their defensive third can shut most attempts down. This is where taking a 50/50 comes in; winning a challenge means that you can stay with the ball, while your opponent is out of position, turning a 2v2 into a 2v1 or a 1v2 into a 1v1. Challenges are unavoidable, as either your opponent attempts to 50/50 or you can have a spacious scoring attempt, so learning how to refine them is essential to a solid 2v2 playstyle.

One of the most important aspects of the 50/50 is staying goalside, squarely behind the ball. This may seem obvious, but players often approach from the side resulting in unfavorable bounces. It is simply a problem of surface area; if your car is facing the ball directly with maximum surface area, you are more likely to get the last forward touch on it and proceed with your play or defense.

Another possibility can be approaching the ball completely with your side to use the greater lateral surface area of the side of the car, though this leaves weakness for the ball pinching upwards and forwards. Regardless, how you position your car matters immensely, so be sure to cover directions that you want to defend and perhaps leave an opening if you want the ball to spring to the side for a teammate or forward to complete your own play.

To cover this essential mechanic, I would recommend this video by Jayson “Fireburner” Nunez, a former professional player notorious for incredibly strong 50/50s:

Although the 50/50 is important, there is a time and a place to challenge the ball; if you’re too far, a 50/50 may be readable, and allowing the ball to approach too closely may mean that it is already too late. Though mechanics are a crucial part of 2v2, they have little use if you cannot be in the right position at the right time; to rectify that, let’s move on to our next section.

Positioning is Key

Odds are that you’ve heard positioning is important, but that would be an understatement. Without proper positioning, games can be lost even with a significant mechanical advantage; that’s why RLCS teams even with a group of top mechanical players may sometimes fail, because their offensive prowess can be mitigated through superior positioning. Although we talk about it frequently, it is quite an abstract topic. For that, we asked Arsenal what exactly good positioning is:

There are little things that help, such as being able to save boost and not waste it so you can remain in the play, not flipping around the field the whole time so you’re in position. Be ready for what your teammate is about to do, you want to be able to cover if they lose or even if they win a 50/50, you want to be in between to be able to cover both. That’s what good positioning is, being able to support your teammate.

- Arsenal

Proper positioning is not about large movements and elaborate setups, but more so allowing your teammate to operate with confidence, knowing that you are able to cover their errors and receive their passes. Avoiding wantonly flipping means that you can react to your teammate, and saving boost makes sure that you can utilize your full tank when your teammate allows it to be your turn with the ball. One key way to ensure that your boost is always in stock is to verse yourself with the standard boost paths; take a look at our article here to read more about those.

Though it may be difficult, 2v2 positioning is ultimately about being unselfish and completely accommodating of your teammate. Although it may feel like you could do a better job with the ball in your hands, allowing your teammate a turn may lead to better results. You should keep your car in a position where you can cover your teammates' mistakes, perhaps to continue the attack of your own accord after they lose a 50/50 or be able to receive a synergistic pass and unleash a devastating passing play.

A helpful guideline for 2v2 positioning is to divide the field into a three-by-three grid, and always ensure that you are within one box of your teammate without being within the same box; this ensures that you are close enough to compensate for mistakes and receive passes, while making sure that you are not stepping on each other. Positioning comes with experience but consider what you would like your teammate to do when you have the ball, and try doing the same.

A Defensive Path

Using a demo at the right time can mitigate threats and create space for your team.

One key part of Arsenal’s playstyle is his use of demolitions, and I’ve personally seen great success in implementing them in my gameplay. In a 2v2, they are incredibly impactful, being able to eliminate a defender to score more easily or relieve pressure by blowing an attacker off the field. I asked Arsenal his opinions on how to use demolitions in 2v2 games:

Demos are really valuable when it is a 2v1, when the other team overcommits and there is only one guy back. When you’re ahead of your teammate, going for a demo there is good. I’d say demos are a lot more risky in 2v2, so I do think that people over-utilize it, and that leads me to make the remark of leaving your teammate out to dry. If you’re randomly going for demos and everything, you’re putting your teammate in a 1v1 at that point. They have to make the right play or you’re going to get scored on.

- Arsenal

As he states, demolitions are a wonderfully valuable tool, expanding a small advantage into a massive one. Reducing the number of players on the pitch is an incredibly powerful tool - my philosophy is that they can’t save my shots if they aren’t there in the first place. However, one must make sure not to use these too liberally, as a failed demolition can do more harm than good. They need to be balanced with positioning, as wanton demo attempts mean that your teammate can often be left out to dry while you’re stuck on the wrong side of the pitch.

My advice would be to not force demos unless they’re opportune; for example, if your opponent is making a predictable path to a big boost, swiping them on the way can be massively beneficial, or if you’re in a 2v1, expending yourself to potentially clear out the net for your teammate is a great idea. Demolitions are complex, with high risk but equally high reward; if you’d like to learn more about them, refer to my guide here!


2v2 is an incredibly comprehensive gamemode, and there are countless ways to improve your performance; it takes time and practice, but your efforts will pay off. Hopefully this guide was able to delineate the key areas to focus on to improve your game. If you want to keep up with Arsenal, check out his YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Best of luck with your 2v2 endeavors!

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