In-Depth Look: How to Use the P250 Effectively

26 Dec 15


iNoToRi0uS, members


In-Depth Look: How to Use the P250 Effectively

Today we will be looking at how to use the P250 on both the Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist side.

Too many times I see people buy a P250 and just rush with it on an Eco round only to die, when they would have been better off full-saving for the next round. Today, we will be going over how to use the P250 effectively as a Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist, and usage of the weapon overall.

Some background on the weapon:

The P250 was manufactured by SIG Sauer and was released in 2007. The P250 comes in several variants, including:

- Full-Size
- Compact
- Sub compact

The Compact variant being the one used in-game.

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The P250 in-game is available to both the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist side at a price of $300. The P250 has a 100% kill reward, giving $300 per kill. The movement speed of the weapon is 240 units/seconds, making it 4% slower than the knife when equipped. The starting ammo of the weapon is 13 rounds per magazine, with 26 in reserve for a total of 39 rounds. The P250 has a damage of 35 with 77.65% Armor Penetration, making it capable to 1-shot headshot at close range.

Now onto the technique of using the weapon:

The best rule that you can apply to this gun is to think of it as a cheaper variant of the Desert Eagle. You should be going for single shot headshots and not spamming.

The number one thing I see people with the pistol do is spam. It is the least effective way to use it, and any enemy on a full-buy will beat you in time-to-kill with their rifle every time, especially if you don’t have any armor.

Using the P250 takes a lot of trigger discipline. Even at Global Level game play, I see many people spam with it. This is not a Five-Seven. This has a fraction of the ammo, and even less spraying accuracy.

The only time you should spam with this weapon is if the enemy is too far away, and the first headshot doesn’t kill them immediately, then spam to finish them off with one more bullet. Even then, I would simply take your time line up a guaranteed body, rather than panic spray 5 inaccurate shots to finish him off, when it would have taken half the time to just wait to line up one good shot. Spamming will also lower your chances of getting a follow-up kill if there is more than 1 target.

The P250 is also surprisingly accurate when moving, but I wouldn’t use that as a crutch. You should always be standing still unless it is at very close range where you are 100% certain that you can hit a moving shot.

Now let’s look at using the pistol for the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist side:

Terrorist Side:

Using the P250 on Terrorist side is kind of the exception to that rule. Undoubtedly, you will have to run and shoot with this weapon. Make sure you are peeking close angles to where you can get that 1 shot headshot while running.

If you don’t plan on rushing, try to wait and hold an angle with it, hoping that the Counter-Terrorist team will get greedy and rush. When you are in firefights, always be gaining ground on your enemy. Whenever they duck behind cover or reload, always be pushing up to close the gap. This weapon is more deadly at close range than the Counter-Terrorits' rifles. The P250 can kill with a single headshot at closer ranges, while both the M4A4 and M4A1-S take 2 shots, and are less accurate when moving when compared to the P250.


Using the P250 on the Counter-Terrorist side is slightly easier. Simply hold close angles and wait for the enemy to walk into your crosshair. Again, you should always be getting a headshot for the first shot. Terrorists will often run past without checking certain spots, so winning on Eco’s on the Counter-Terrorist side is often easier to do.

Here are some examples of some close angles you can hold on Inferno:

Below porch is usually a go-to spot. Realistically you would think Terrorists would always check it, but in-game people will often get lazy and skip over it. To make this spot more effective, make sure you have a teammate on site spraying down banana to distract the Terrorists.

1st box is another great spot that often gets looked over. Most Terrorists will just walk by with their backs towards you while trying to cover construction. Having a teammate at spools to distract is a perfect way to get this to work.

In conclusion, the P250 is a very good weapon for the $300 investment if used properly. It does requires its own playstyle when compared to an alternative like the 5-7 and the TEC-9. In the right hands, the P250 can be very deadly, even against a full-bought team on rifle rounds. I hope this information I provided helps you use the P250 more effectively in future gameplay.

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