Highlight of the Match: Team Dignitas vs FlyQuest
We continue the weekly "Highlight of the Match" series with the amazing Baron steal from Chaser in Game 2.
We continue the weekly "Highlight of the Match" series with the amazing Baron steal from Chaser in Game 2.
In this highlight, we take a look at Team Dignitas and FlyQuest's match for week 5 of the NA LCS. In game 2, our team managed to make a game-saving Baron steal which allowed Team Dignitas to close out the series with a 2-0 win. Let's see how things escalated throughout the fight.
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It all starts when FlyQuest attempt to start the Baron call, knowing that their enemies do not have vision inside the pit. Once they start chunking it down, wards are placed inside the Baron area from Team Dignitas, in addition to LOD's Jhin casting his R - Curtain's Calling, to ensure that they have clear vision.
Now, Team Dignitas has vision on all of FlyQuest's members and the Baron itself. While LOD is doing his best to get Moon's Rengar as low HP as he can with his Ultimate, Hai's Jarvan and LemonNation's Malzahar are engaging onto Chaser's Kha'zix in an attempt to lock him down while the rest of FLY are killing Baron incredibly fast (due to the two Mountain Drakes FlyQuest had collected).
Now here is the turning point which made Team Dignitas take the 2-0 sweep over their enemies. While LemonNation has knocked Kha'zix down with his R - Nether Grasp and the Baron is about to die, Ssumday's Maokai flashes into the pit, casts his Q - Arcane Smash over to Malzahar, cancelling his Ultimate and allowing Chaser to flash into the pit as well, managing to out-Smite Moon, and eventually giving the Baron Buff over to his teammates, at the low cost of him dying immediately after the steal.
The teamfight is now about to start. Maokai (with his R - Vengeful Maelstrom activated) is already in the pit taking on 4 members of FlyQuest. Keane's Zed flashes in with his Youmuu's Ghostblade and Edge of Night activated and jumps onto Altec's Sivir with his R - Death Mark. Keane managed to oneshot Altec (as he didn't have his Heal up, and Flash was not enough to save him) and grab a kill onto Balls' Rumble as well. The important thing about this teamfight, is that Hai's Jarvan is still locked out of the pit, thus being unable to assist and back up his team. Moon's Rengar, who was stalled from helping his teammates because of Ssumday, managed to escape safely as no carry of Team Dignitas was able to get to him, and LemonNation flashed out of the pit, surviving the fight as well. Zed then successfully escaped the pit, saving his life after picking up 2 kills.
With this teamfight, Team Dignitas managed to not only grab a Baron buff, but to take a 2 for 1 trade, killing two of the main carries of FlyQuest. Had this Baron steal not happened, Team Dignitas would be into a desperate situation with 5k gold down, in addition to the Baron buff going over to FlyQuest. Had Ssumday not canceled Malzahar's Ultimate, and had Chaser not been able to out-Smite Moon, FLY would probably be able to close out the game, tying up the series and leading to a third game.
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