Season 7 Standard Mastery Pages

21 Apr 18


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Season 7 Standard Mastery Pages

In this article, we discuss the mastery changes in League of Legends.

Last updated: September, 2017. Check out our new article on RUNES REFORGED!

Hi guys! The pre-season has begun and, as always, is incredibly hectic and confusing. There's been so many changes whether it be reworking the Marksman role, implementing new items, or creating a new mastery system. In this article, we'll be focusing on the changes to the League of Legends mastery trees as well as going over some generic pages to make the transition into Season 7 that much easier for you.

Marksman (AD Carry) Page

Currently, Fervor is the strongest AD mastery. This will be the most optimal setup for any AD Carry outside of caster AD Carries.

Marksman (AD Carry) Page [2]

This AD page is best utilized on Jhin, Varus, and Miss Fortune.

Support (Crowd Control)

This page abuses the new mastery implemented in the pre-season. Courage of the Colossus is an incredibly powerful mastery in the hands of champions that have high crowd control. The shields that are provided make a champion with limited gold incredibly tanky. Suggested champions would be Alistar, Nautilus, and other crowd control focused tanks.

Support (Shields/Healers)

This page is designed for champions that provide sustain in lane such as Janna, Nami, and Soraka. Windspeaker's Blessing allows for enhanced healing and ensures survivability in lane.

Support (Mages)

This page is highly effective on Mage support champions such as Brand and Zyra. It dips into the Ferocity tree for some extra damage but dabbles in the Resolve tree for movement speed and sustain.

Mid Lane (AP/AD Caster) [1]

This page has a heavy focus on two types of champions; burn mages such as Brand and Swain & poke champions such as Varus. There would be slight alterations in the rune page for AD champions (e.g. moving the penetration in the Ferocity tree to lethality rather than magic penetration).

Mid Lane (Thunderlords) [2]

This page is the standard mid lane page for most AP and AD champions. This focuses mainly on Thunderlord's Decree as your main source of burst. Utilizing this page is optimal for effective trades in the mid lane.

Jungler (Crowd Control)

Courage of the Colossus, while not as prominent and broken as Strength of the Ages, is still an incredibly powerful mastery. If the champion you're playing provides high amounts of crowd control, I highly suggest taking this page. Examples of champions would include Amumu, Ivern, and Zac. This page allows them to have an added bonus of survivability, longer lasting buffs, and additional out of combat movement speed.

Jungler (Thunderlords)

For more aggressive junglers that would prefer burst, leaning towards Thunderlord's Decree would be your best bet. Taking bonus attack speed in Ferocity + Lifesteal is also a solid call for added help in clears.

Top Lane (Fervor)

This page is designed for champions that plan on consistently trading with their lane opponent. Namely champions that are strong auto attackers such as Kayle and Olaf.

Top Lane (Crowd Control)

This page has a focus on Courage of the Colossus once again. The shields provided by the mastery are incredible for champions in the top lane that provide high crowd control. This page also has a shift in focus in the Resolve tree where I place points in Insight for reduced cooldown on summoner spells. It provides a shorter cooldown for Teleport, a vital summoner spell for top lane.

As always, please keep in mind that your pages are best optimized prior to the beginning of any match depending on the enemy team composition. That being said, these pages provide a solid baseline to work with. Thank you for reading.

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