SMITE - 5 tips on How to Break Your Losing Streak

3 Dec 18


Conwakk, contributors


SMITE - 5 tips on How to Break Your Losing Streak

Struggling to rank up? Caught in an endless spiral of losses straight into ELO hell? Check out this guide!

Struggling to rank up? Are you caught in an endless spiral of losses straight into ELO hell? Do you feel like you are underperforming? Thinking to yourself "I’m bored of losing, how can I change this?" Well, look no further and consider these tips next time you play a ranked match.

Take a Break!

Taking a break from your losses can be a big factor in changing your mindset of ranked matches. This break can be an hour, a day, a week, or even longer if you so need it to be. Not only will this break replenish your mind and freshen you up, it may even change how you look at ranked in general. This break can be anything from playing another game mode, another game, or even getting food or some sleep. After a break, you will feel new and excited to jump straight back into ranked! This may lead to you playing better and earning some more wins.

Lose the Ego

You may not like it, but you may have an ego in ranked matches and end up blaming your team. In fairness, sometimes it is your team’s fault. However, it also can be yours without you even realising (or straight up denying) it. Firstly, accept some blame. Nothing you do every game is perfect and there is always room to improve – even at the highest level! That one tower dive where you died? Maybe you shouldn’t have done it. Accept that you will never have a purely perfect game, but also accept that there’s room for improvement and you may find yourself winning those few extra games.

Play a Different Role

Playing a different role may give you a breath of fresh air and take the pressure off. After a few games of playing the same role or same god, you may find yourself making mistakes that you know you shouldn’t be doing or would never do if you were playing maximum potential. Playing a new role should only be played if you have experience in all roles! (Don’t go and play a certain god if you’ve never played them before – Ranked is not the place to be figuring out completely new stuff like gods and roles). You may find that playing this other role allows the rest of your team to step up to the plate and carry the game.

Being Friendly and Giving Constructive Criticism

Being friendly can be one of the most important factors into whether you win or lose a game. Toxicity can put the whole team on tilt and frankly there’s no need for blatant toxicity in any game. Being friendly can lead to your team being focused - using less time of the game to type and argue with each other. It also will lead to you not tilting. That doesn’t mean you cannot give out constructive criticism, just make sure it is actually constructive and not toxicity disguised as it. If you are giving out constructive criticism, you also have to be able to receive it. Constructive criticism can be used to tell your team on how to improve mid game in order to improve your chances of winning.

(Note: I recommend using constructive criticism after the game has ended to avoid inadvertently tilting your team, which has the opposite effect that we are after)

The Mute Button

If your team is harassing each other or you, the mute button is your friend. Muting should be a last resort to avoid breakdown of communication that is so desperately needed in team games. This may allow you to calm down and focus on your game without getting angry and wanting an argument. You can’t have an argument if there’s nobody to argue with!

Overall, these tips will not guarantee you a win in ranked game. However, combining them may allow you to get out of that losing streak and start winning some games and can even help with improving your overall performance and a tilting mindset that is bound to appear on a heavy loss streak.

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