Smite Season 6 - A Review of Map Changes
Going over the map changes and the implications for Season 6 of Smite.
Going over the map changes and the implications for Season 6 of Smite.
With the introduction of Season 6 of Smite, there are new and exciting changes to the map. Two new Gold Furies and the Totem of Ku were added, and the Fire Giant was given a substantial buff. The new Furies are called the Primal Fury and the Oni Fury, and they run on a rotation that starts with the original Gold Fury and then rotates into one of the others. The new Furies give special effects at the cost of reduced gold. The Totem of Ku is a new objective that is located behind the Fire Giant and in the middle passageway in the solo lane. It gives a unique buff that Smite has never seen before. Let’s go over the applications and implications of these changes.
Let’s start with the Oni Fury. When killed, each lane spawns a wave of “super minions.” These minions have increased base stats, their damage is increased by 75%, health is increased by 30%, physical protections are increased by 50, and magical protections are increased by 60. These are some substantially powerful minions that can dole out significant tower damage.
After taking the Oni Fury, look to play aggressive and push a lane as a team or push your own lane separately. Towers will go down with relative ease if you are able to push enough of the buffed minions into it. As the defending team, avoid abandoning any lanes or else these Oni minions could take the tower by themselves. Remember it is only one wave, so once the minions are dead, go back to playing normally.
The next addition to the Gold Fury family is the Primal Fury. The Primal Fury is getting buffed in the Darkness Falls patch, but as of right now, killing this Fury will net your team a 5% increase in damage to jungle camps and bosses. The buff stays with you for the entirety of the game and can stack up to three times. So, if your team manages to kill the Primal Fury three times throughout a game, you’ll get a whopping 15% extra damage to camps and bosses. After the Darkness Falls patch, this buff will be a 7% increase with a possibility of 21% if killed three times.
This is an extremely nice buff for supports who have a hard time clearing jungle camps on their own and for teams looking to secure the Fire Giant easier. If you know your opponent has this buff, be aware of them stealing objectives because of their increased damage. Especially with long range gods such as Janus or Thoth, it is even more essential to zone and ward to make sure they do not steal objectives. The Primal Fury’s buff may feel less impactful than the immediate wave that you get with the Oni Fury, but it is a constant buff that cannot be overlooked.
The newest addition to the solo lane is the Totem of Ku. The Totem of Ku is an all new objective that spawns at the one-minute mark and respawns a minute after it is taken. To take this objective, you must attack it until its meter fills all the way up. Each team has its own damage meter, so it cannot simply be last hit and stolen like other objectives on the map. It has a base health of 300 and its health increases by 200 each time it’s taken.
The buff that Totem of Ku provides is unique. 50 gold is immediately given to everyone on your team and a ring surrounds your tower line. Once you step into your tower’s range, you gain a buff of 5% movement speed and 25 MP5. The buff lasts for 10 seconds or until you walk underneath your tower again. Early game, especially for Mid Mages, the 25 MP5 is crucial for mana sustain. Backing early in the game can lead to XP loss and your opponent getting ahead, so if you are a mana hungry mid laner, consider communicating with your solo lane the importance of the Totem buff. It also adds a level of aggression to solo lane matchups that were dominated by a passive playstyle that utilized Guardian’s Blessing last season.
Lastly, the Fire Giant’s power level got amped up for Season 6. Not enough of your teammates were dying to it, so his Magma Pool ability is being brought back! If you have never experienced this Fire Giant ability, it is a large circle that will form underneath every player in the area when the Fire Giant is being attacked. It does damage over time and will take a good portion of your health if you stand in it too long. Not only is the Fire Giant getting everyone’s favorite attack back, he is getting an increase to his stats. His base health, health per level, base protections, and base power are all being increased.
To reward teams for taking it, the enhanced version, which spawns after the 25 minute mark, gives the whole team an added buff of ignoring 50% of backdoor protections on towers. Late game Fire Giant will be much more difficult to kill and do more damage, so teams must be very coordinated when choosing to attack him. As the team defending against this buffed Fire Giant, there will be more opportunity to attack a weakened enemy squad. Playing counterattack and waiting until the Fire Giant gets the enemy team low is a viable strategy.
All these map changes add a more complex strategy to Conquest. Coordinating with your teammates will be even more important, especially with the Oni Fury and buffed Fire Giant. When picking your solo lane god, make sure to consider the Totem of Ku. With all these new changes in mind, you can head into your next Conquest game with full confidence and ready to frag!
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