Standard setups and strategy's for de_inferno terrorist side
Tips and tricks that will help you and your pug. win ranked games on de_inferno
Tips and tricks that will help you and your pug. win ranked games on de_inferno
Have you ever had issues hitting and executing sites on de_inferno? Inferno is a map that the terrorist can use to keep the counter-terrorist side guessing until the last few seconds of a round. Having a good terrorist side is essential for winning games on this map and can make it a lot harder for your opponents to win this counter-terrorist sided map. In today’s blog, I’m going to break down basic positions, smokes, and executes that will help you stay dominant and break the counter-terrorist side’s economy. It will lead to easier rounds and a better chance of success.
Positioning and executing
When it comes to positioning on the terrorist side of inferno, slowly spreading out and probing the map is usually the best default setup on this map. Taking mid and apartment control will help you assess how aggressive the counter-terrorists are playing and where they are setting up their crossfires and choke points. This is what the beginning of your default should look like:
As you can see here, you will want to split up and probe around the map to gather information. This setup can be powerful, because it will allow you to hit either bombsite relatively quickly once you have identified where the counter-terrorist rotator is. Player 1 will be throwing smokes and flashes up mid, forcing the rotator out of position towards bombsite B. So, the A bombsite will be easier to take. Players 1, 4, and 5 will execute on A. They will take full mid and arch control, cutting off anyone trying to rotate from B. This is the positioning your team will want to take after mid control has been gained.
Once you are successfully in these positions and have full middle control, you still do not have to hit the A bombsite. Having control of these positions will usually force the enemy counter-terrorist team to rotate from the B bombsite. Either coming down banana or through CT spawn, the site you end up hitting usually depends on where you have gotten picks executing this setup. Say, in this scenario, you get to these positions and you realize that two counter-terrorist players are playing really passive on the A bombsite. And, player 3 happens to frag two rotators out of B. Players 4 and 5 will rotate down mid and hit banana with player 3, while player 1 and 2 can wrap on the B bombsite or cut off the A rotators. Since two of the players at bombsite B have already been fragged, you know that there can only be one enemy player at B max. This is what the execute should look like if your lurker gets the rotate frags.
If executed properly, this default setup will be really hard for the counter-terrorist to counter. It’s slow and methodical. I would recommend running it until you identify that the counter-terrorist team tries to counter, in which case, hard rotating to the B bombsite should counter any stack they might set up on A if you spot it. Like always, communication is key:
Proper smokes and flashes are key to success when executing
When it comes to smoking off choke points in inferno on terrorist side, there are a lot of smokes that are not very difficult. I will break down the spots that should be smoked when executing as a team onto either site. Here’s a image of the map and what spots should be smoked off during a bombsite A take:
The goal of smoking off these positions on the A bombsite is to isolate the defending CT player in the pit. Sometimes even two players might be positioned there and isolated. This will allow you time to clear the bombsite and take after plant positions with crossfires set up to deal with the pit player. When it comes to smoking off the B site, there are two essential spots that should always be smoked — especially when entering the site from banana. Here’s another example of what spots should be smoked off, but for the B bombsite:
These smokes are really simple to hit on the B bombsite. Terrorist 4 should also throw a flashbang over into the site. Also, when taking B — if you have thrown your smokes and flashes — you need to commit all 3 players, sometimes 4. Even if your flash banged or you think you might die, trust that your teammates can pick up the trades and win the round.
Practice makes you perfect!
Learning these simple strategies takes time, but at higher ranks, these defaults will become mandatory. Learning these default smokes will also be essential but I’ll save that for another blog.