The Sett-Up: A Guide to Engaging and Initiating Fights as Sett
This Sett guide teaches you to utilize this brawler's kit to create in-game advantages.
This Sett guide teaches you to utilize this brawler's kit to create in-game advantages.
Competitive and casual players alike have been finding a lot of success on the newest brawler. One of the main things that allows these players to find so much success is the ability to set up so many great fights. Whether you choose to play Sett in the top lane or jungle with him, you are going to want to have a full understanding of Sett's main engage abilities and what kind of plays you can make with each. This guide will give you an understanding of his engage potential and the most common and effective initiations.
Your Tools For Engage
The first thing to learn about Sett's engage potential is which abilities have the best initiation. The two abilities are his E, Facebreaker, and his ulitmate, The Show Stopper. Facebreaker is an ability that pulls enemies on either side of you towards Sett and, if there are enemies on both sides that collide, they will be temporarily stunned. This is a great way to catch someone who might be running away as well as creating a bit of time where the enemy cannot react as the stun lasts for one second.
Sett's ultimate holds the real engage potential as it targets a single enemy champion and carries them a short distance before slamming them into the ground dealing damage to them and any other champion in the area of impact. This ability also slows anyone damaged by it by 99% for a short period of time. This slow allows you to take a step or two to set up a good Facebreaker to stun. Something that you should know about your ult is that you will always be placed on the opposite side of the champion when you ult.
By combining these two abilities, you can create a wide variety of engage opportunities for your team to win fights.
The Basic Show Stopper Combo
The first and most basic engage combo you should learn is a normal front-to-back engage. This combo asks you to take the main take on the enemy team and ult them into the enemy backline. You follow this up with a Facebreaker to stun the entire team and set your team up for an easy front-to-back teamfight. This basic combo is the most typical and common thing you will see in a normal game.
As I have stated, this is the most basic combo to set up a teamfight. It allows you to get into the middle of the enemy team while also stunning them for a short period of time. This allows your team a bit of free-fire time but also helps you to take a large amount of damage to build up you W Passive to give yourself a massive shield and massive damage. Ideally you want to weave auto-attacks throughout this combo. Autoing an enemy after ulting as well as doing the double auto, Q, double auto after using your E will give you the most damage output during this combo.
This combo is the easiest of all to learn as it doesn't require much in the way of mechanical prowess and most low ELO teamfights will allow you to take the enemy frontline into their backline. Mastering this combo will increase your impact significantly for very little effort. The biggest thing you need to be cautious of is ensuring you adjust your positioning after using ult. Due to moving behind the target of your ult, repositioning between the enemy champions to ensure the stun should be the first thing you should think about.
The Gank Engage
This next engage does not always have to happen during a gank, but it is great if you are behind the enemy team. This engage just asks you to ult an enemy into your team. It is extremely simple but very much unused.
While this engage is simple, it can cause a ton of late game picks. If you can single out someone and drag them into your team, you can create massive advantage. This one engage, by picking off a single character, can set up your team for an advantageous teamfight, or lessen the chance of the enemy contesting a major objective.
In terms of combos, I often will just do the auto, Q, auto combo before using Facebreaker to keep the person in range of your team. Using Flash before ulting can get you into position from out of sight easily.
The Surprise Show Stopper - Flash Ult Combo
This Flash Ult combo is actually a very mechanic-intensive and you should practice it in the practice tool before bringing it out in ranked games. This engage tool follows the same idea as the one above where you bring an enemy into your team. The main difference is that this uses an Insec-style play. An Insec is when you use some sort of movement ability to get behind the enemy before using your ult to force them to go into your team. This play originated from a player named Insec on Lee Sin, but works for Sett's ult as well.
The original Insec play actually utilized Lee Sin's E, Safeguard, to dash to a ward behind the enemy but it was actually realized that Flashing could speed up the play and make it harder to dodge. Using this idea for Sett's Ult, we can create a surprise play that brings the enemy closer to your team. After ulting, you will be placed closer to your team than the opponent so you could look to use your E to bring them closer and lessen the chance of any escape. This combination will apply the 99% slow from your ult before applying the 50% slow and pull from your E.
The other way to set this play up is to lead with your E. Because your max rank E with no cooldown is 10 seconds, this means you will not be able to use your E to hold your opponent down after ulting. When you lead with your E you actually do two things to improve your combo. Firstly, you are pulling your opponent towards you meaning that your Flash doesn't have to go as far to set up the ult. The second thing you are doing is slowing your opponent to give you a little bit more time to pull off the combo. Because you cannot buffer your ult in the Flash animation, slowing your opponent grants you a slightly longer window of opportunity to execute the combo.
I will also note here that if you E and immediately hit Flash, your max range Flash is the same distance as the max range of your E. This means you will almost always be put behind your opponent in the most optimal position to ult them back into your team. It also allows you to buffer your Flash in the E animation so you just need to press E and then Flash in quick succession to set up your ultimate.
The Show-Off - Flash E Ult Combo
This last combo is the most difficult to pull off but can create some of the biggest teamfight wins. This combo works similarly to the previous combo where you are Flashing behind an enemy then ulting them into your team. The main difference is that this combo is used for when the opposing team is grouped for a fight. When you Flash into the middle of the team, immediately press E to pull them all together and get a stun. Then you ult a single champion into your team.
While the previous combo is mainly to get a pick on someone who is out of position and alone, this combo isolates a single member in a teamfight. The Facebreaker in the middle of this combo ensures that the target of your ult cannot Flash and make your ult go in a completely different direction while also opening up a window of opportunity where the other enemy champions cannot support the target.
This combo not only works well in starting a teamfight but can also quickly end one if you pick the right opponent. While most teams will keep their tanks on the frontline and damage on the backline, there are some champions like Darius and Cho'Gath that are large sources of damage while also being a frontline tank. If you can take out a champion like that, sometimes the enemy team will fold and begin their disengage. If they do, you can either chase down the enemy and go for more teamfight wins or you can convert this advantage into an objective like a Drake or a turret.
Sett's engage potential is nearly limitless as his kit allows for him to get up-close and personal with the enemy team while also creating major disruptions for the enemies. Whether you take their 4000 health Cho'Gath and wipe the opposing health bars or single out the Syndra in a sidelane and drive her into the ground, knowing how to execute each of these engages will create huge advantages and disparities in your ranked games.
I highly recommend popping into the practice tool to try out the more intensive engages like the Flash Ult combo as you will need to have quick mouse movement and optimal timing to create the desired effect. Also, pick your fights carefully. Sett may have a lot of tankiness with his W passive, but if not used correctly, you will pop like a balloon.