The Way Into SMITE eSports: Find Those Who Won't Let You Fall

8 Apr 16



The Way Into SMITE eSports: Find Those Who Won't Let You Fall

Always playing SMITE and wanted to get into competitive? Let me tell you how!

SMITE's eSports scene has grown a rather large amount in a short time-span. The SMITE World Championships in 2015 has one of the biggest prize pools in eSports and is currently the 6th highest with a prize pool of more than $2.6 million. This is due to the community's contribution to the Odyssey event Hi-Rez Studios had created. The SMITE World Championships of 2016, however, had a prize pool of only $1 million, but that's still a lot of money. There's many ways to be involved but that doesn't mean it's easy. Here are a few things that can help you get into competitive. But the only real impressionable way to be noticed is by being active.

- Being Active

There's a lot of ways to be active. You have to be active by playing the game and keeping up with the patch notes and small updates to the game. Social media is a great place to show that someone is active and to keep up with the latest updates. The best and recommended place to keep updated is Twitter. Even if you aren't a person that can find something to tweet, Twitter is where the majority of players and Hi-Rez employees are active and converse. The only thing to remember is that constantly tweeting at the pros or staff members will usually annoy them if it isn't a real positive response to a tweet or if it's something said completely out of context that can be seen as offensive.

If social media isn't your cup of tea, then just be constantly active in the game. I don't mean messaging the pros constantly through the whisper system but rather, playing the ranked game mode. Playing a lot of ranked shows you as active but it doesn't mean you're going to get picked up or scouted anytime soon. There are a few more steps to the ranked aspect of the game. A good way of looking at these steps is to use them as requirements and goals to achive to motivate yourself.

- Being Around Diamond or Grand-Masters

Now this means exactly what it says. In order to be any form of relevant in the eSports scene, you have to be a high ranking in the game. No team is going to look for someone who's ranking is under Platinum. You can still play a lot of ranked and still be in a lower division so play to get at a higher ranking. This can and will take a large amount of time and results may vary. Even if you've played around 300 games and are still in somewhere below Platinum, that shows a lot and it can really help to the learning experience. This allows you to get the chance to learn how to get better, how to find your mistakes and how to solo carry games using the knowledge you have obtained.

- Making Connections

This is something that can benefit you in many ways. This can especially help if you're a person that wants to be involved with an organization but don't want to be a player. This is networking and it can actually help in so many ways. Creating a connection with anyone playing the game is all you have to do, then slowly expand your network to other people. This doesn't really require a connection with pro players. The connection can expand to a pro player but that's not necessary if you just wanted to be a part of an organization.

- Using Opportunities

Regardless of whether you can do any of the others or not, if you believe you have the skill, then find the opportunities! Whether you seem more skilled with writing, production or casting, look for the opportunity that you can show that talent. Once you've found the opportunity, take it and figure out how it can benefit you and bring you into the scene. Being a writer (like me!) can show your knowledge on journalism but also the ability to follow a scene. These opportunities can be found at places like SMITECentral.

So now you have some knowledge on how to be active and get into the professional eSports scene for SMITE. However, being in the scene doesn't mean you automatically win tournaments and the World Championships. That just requires time, practice and determination!

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