Who is Sombra? All facts and clues about Sombra
This article will show and explain you all hints about the new Overwatch character Sombra.
This article will show and explain you all hints about the new Overwatch character Sombra.
With the latest Overwatch Summer Games update we got more hints about the possible new upcoming hero Sombra. Before Ana was released most people were convinced these hints were for Ana but now we know that they were about Sombra, the new upcoming stealth hero.
New voice lines, a stealth hero?
With patch 1.1. Ana joined the Overwatch team and from there we knew that Sombra won't be the sniper healer everyone thought about. But with this Patch we got some interesting new voice lines that have been datamined by Reddit user xArDDe (Link to his article). One of those voice lines he mentioned says 'There is a hidden enemy here' which is really interesting due to the fact that there are no stealth heroes in the game right now.
There are also other voice lines like 'Something's wrong' or 'Someone's lurking over here'. Although these voice lines are unused it seems that a stealth hero is one of the next heroes Blizzard wants to release. Another voice line which is really interesting is an Omnic with Ana's ult. In this voice line you can hear an unknown voice which most likely interacts with Ana's ultimate. This voice sounds like a female omnic.
Now with patch 1.2. and the Summer Games update Blizzard released a video in which we can see some kind of stealth or cloaked creature above the goal of the new Lucioball Brawl. This could be another hint about an upcoming stealth character or it could just be a background effect, what do you think? Also with Gamescom coming up this month and Season One ending at the same time, we might see some kind of presentation about her soon.
Blizzard gives us hints
Even before Ana was released Blizzard gave us hints about new heroes and in the official forum J. Kaplan even said people haven't found all the clues about Sombra yet. This means that Sombra is indeed one of the new heroes of Overwatch. In the latest videos by Blizzard we saw strange things such as the code below.
Credit to http://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Sombra_ARG
This image was found in Ana's origins trailer at the 1:16 time mark that Blizzard released on July 12th 2016. This is a hexadecimal code and was decoded by gamedetectives and Reddit users. When it was decoded they got the spanish sentence: 'la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...' which can be translated to 'Whoever has the information; has the power...'. There were also the four letters SOMB at the end of the code. Another picture of hexadecimal figures was found in the same video at the 2:11 time mark, this time containing the letters RA at the end and forming SOMBRA together.
Credit to http://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Sombra_ARG
But these aren't the only hints that Blizzard added to their videos. The Developer Update | Introducing Ana video also contained some strange barcodes. Those barcodes were translated to a QR code by Reddit user zapu. The code was scanned and a Spanish sentence appeared. Translating this sentence to English, he got the following message: 'Was that easy? Well, now that I have your attenion, allow me to make things much more difficult'.
Credit to http://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Sombra_ARG
With the Summer Games update Blizzard released a short video with another hint; the following picture shows a code which can be decyphered to data which is SSL encrypted and requires a key to decode. If you know the key you'll find out the message and no, the key was not Harambe, we tried.
Code in the new Summer Games trailer
In a recent reddit post people also found some new stuff in the Summer Games PC trailer. In this trailer there are directions written behind the new skins and poses of the heroes. If you add all these directions on a 3x3 numpad with 5 as the center, you can read the number 652894731. Currently there is nothing more about this number, but those directions are most likely the next hint about Sombra.
This is a part of the new Mercy skin in the video. In the background you can see the an arrow pointing to east. Credits to /u/Watsonisawesome on Reddit.
Before Blizzard added hints in their videos people found interesting things in the game. There were many things that were related to Sombra like a message on a security panel that says 'PROTOCOL SOMBRA' or a newspaper on Dorado with the article 'Who is Sombra'. The newspaper has been removed after Ana joined the game.
Update 4th August: The circle in the sky
On the developer livestream that happened on August 3th, Jeff Kaplan was asked about the compass and the directions which were found in the Summer Games trailer. Jeff Kaplan's answer was "The compass. The compass? That sounds like deep CIA level stuff. Way above our heads." With the phrase "Way above our heads" people started to look into the sky. On Dorado they found a big circle in the sky.
Found in the latest update in the sky of Dorado
This circle wasn't there before and now people try to find out the secret behind it. The circle was already unwrapped to a square but right now no one found out how to solve this puzzle. One theory of Reddit user gingerware was that this circle is actually a song. He made different versions of his "SkySong" by starting at different directions of the circle. Even if it is not confirmed that he found the answer of the puzzle, his songs are great and the idea behind it is amazing. You can find his Reddit post here.
Update 9th August: The Dorado photo
Blizzard has uploaded a new picture of Dorado on their media section. This picture seemed to be very unusual. People have already figured out that this picture is related to the Sombra ARG and they started to decode it. To decode it they put both pictures from Blizzard's media section into notepad++ and compared both with a website. They found a Spanish sentence that can be translated to: "Why do you look to the sky? The answer is not above your heads, it's behind you. Sometimes, you need to analyze your previous achievements".
Datamoshed picture of Dorado. Found on the Overwatch homepage.
The picture was found by discord user @Autumnatopoeia and the Reddit post to this new clue can be found here.
It seems like Blizzard loves to play with their community by giving out hints. Until Sombra is released we will never know exactly what Sombra is. Many thought that she is the sniping support but she wasn't so the hunt for Sombra continues. To keep yourself updated about new hints check out http://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Sombra_ARG and Reddit.