The Ultimate Cache Smoke Guide

8 Nov 19


Valkyrie, members


The Ultimate Cache Smoke Guide

More reliable than the FalleN noscope on Overpass, the new Ultimate Smoke Guide is out and this time about Cache.

I greet everyone who, once again, has chosen this article for their smoke-learning pleasure. This time I will show you 25 easy smokes on Cache, with all of them not needing 100% at-all-times accurate crosshair placements and so on. If you want to learn more smokes, feel free to check out my Ultimate Train Smoke Guide, my Ultimate Inferno Smoke Guide and my Ultimate Mirage Smoke Guide. This time around, I actually embedded a 7-minute length video at the end of the article with all of the Cache smokes, as I have gotten feedback that watching all of the videos if you do not plan on using the pictures can be tedious.

This article will have the following structure for all smoke grenades:

The place where you will smoke - Pros and Cons - Visuals - A small video showing the smoke line-up

But before you dive off into this article willing to learn, you should be able to distinguish between good and bad smokes. In order to communicate my idea of what a good smoke is, I should first show you the intended purpose of smoke grenades in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: A smoke is supposed to mask your movement, in order to stay undetected, gain a safer passage, or deny vision of the enemy overseeing certain spots by removing his ability to see spots where you intended to take map control.

What does this mean for us?

A smoke is almost always thrown between two solid places, like between Forklift and Red (Container) on A-Site, in order to grant you a safer passage to the Bombsite itself when you come from A-Main. It takes away any vision the CTs could have of a T crossing towards the Bombsite, which will allow you to get an almost guaranteed plant in most scenarios. This only is true if the smoke is covering the entire way. However, if it is not possible to smoke off the intended passageway fully, you should aim to leave the unavoidable gap close to the destination instead of the beginning, as a gap at the beginning would allow for the enemies to time their shots or trace your movement through the smoke. A gap at the end leaves almost no room to react, as you are almost instantly behind solid cover. Another use of a Smoke would be to smoke off popular positions the CTs actually like to hold, like the Heaven position. The Smoke then does not cover up a passageway, but simply takes away one (strong) position from the CTs. Let me explain these examples with pictures:

The left smoke would be better, if you absolutely had to leave a gap, as Red will almost instantly cover you as the enemies see you cross.

As seen in the picture above, you also need to care about more dimensions than just left and right. Up is also a danger for your Bombsite take.

Smoking off a popular position will enable you to take care of imminent danger on the Bombsites.

My Crosshair

You will realise that I often have a crosshair that seems similar to my normal one but is incredibly long. This helps me find the line-ups I need, and I don't have to waste time double checking if I have the correct line-up. I have, however, forgotten where exactly I learned about it, sohere are a few resources foryou to read through.

You also have to keep in mind that my crosshairs will most likely be different than yours. Yours may be smaller, longer, just a dot or something completely different. Therefore, you should compensate for your crosshairs while reading this guide. I will always write from my crosshairs' perspective, as it would be impossible to think of every possible crosshair and adjust the guide.

The Smokes

And now it is time to actually start with the smoke grenades I have prepared for you. I will start with the T-side A smokes, go over Mid to B and then follow the same pattern on the CT-side. As always, I am leaving out intuitive and very easy smokes, like throwing a smoke in front of squeaky in order to delay the push with a right click or similar, in order to not to clutter this article unnecessarily. Reminder: You can right click to view the picture in its original size!


A-Main - between Red and Forklift

What does it do?

This smoke was used as an example about good smokes above and it is probably the most common smoke on Cache today. It allows for a safer passage from A-Main to the A-Bombsite without taking the risk of facing an AWPer who's holding from Highway or Truck.

How to throw

You need to position yourself centralised in front of the fenced door (or whatever that is supposed to be) and aim at the white plane part where the lines meet, in the lower middle part. Now you run until you do not see the yellow-black line anymore and throw while running.

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In front of Squeaky - A-Onspot

What does it do?

This smoke will cut off the CTs who are playing on the A-Bombsite from any real help or safe escape routes, especially if they want to hold A and not go for a retake. It allows the Ts to split the forces of the most common A holds by removing the CTs standing Highway, Car, and even Forklift from the Onspot action. Furthermore, it gives you cover when you plant.

How to throw

Stand in this corner, aiming above the pipes.

Now aim between the two highlighted lines in the protruding roof part. Be sure to remove the crosshair slightly from the edge of the roof in order to actually have it land in front of the Bombsite not on Red or the wooden crate.

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In front of Squeaky - Heaven

What does it do?

This smoke is not necessary for the simplest A-Site takes. However, this may become crucial to your success depending on what kind of opponent your enemy is. Played correctly, the Heaven position can not only be a thorn in the side but a bear trap on your foot.

How to throw

Stand in the corner of this gas meter and the wall.

Now aim just above and to the left of the upper end of this antenna.

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Quad - Highway

What does it do?

Especially great for afterplant positions, this smoke cuts off any forces the CTs are trying to throw at you through Highway. This may delay, weaken, or even terminate a retake.

How to throw

Place yourself in front of the fence behind Quad, orientating yourself centralised in front of the two corrugated cardboards meeting. Now find the highlighted piece of dirt on the pipes...

...and aim up until your left line hits the lower edge of the crane, as highlighted.

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Container (T-Spawn) - Z-Connector

What does it do?

Cache has a cluttered Midsection: Z-Connector, close right, close left, under boost, Sandbags and Whitebox are all legitimately valuable positions the CTs could play to catch you off-guard or deny Mid control. To fight this long-term as a team, a lot of smokes are necessary, starting with this one. It takes away the easiest way to face Mid and an in general strong position. This smoke is the basically only one you can throw fast without using running jump throws. You're welcome.

How to throw

Get up on the containers, and if you unsure how, watch my video just below. Then place yourself centralised in front of the first pole in the fence.

Stay with your crosshair above the highlighted strut inside of the what-once-was-a-window. Now aim up until you cannot see the strut anymore.

Now run and then thrown when you hit the highlighted edge.

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In front of Main - Z-Connector

What does it do?

This smoke is the mid-round alternative to the smoke thrown from the Container. A great line-up to use when you are planning on utilising a default before taking Mid.

How to throw

Stand/crouch on top of the part of the lower end of the skidmarks that are touching the edge of the shadow. Be careful with this one, as shadow options cause the shadows to be in slightly different places at different settings.

Now aim between the metal roof as well as the A-Main roof while touching the edge where the two roofs are crossing each other with your right line of your crosshair.

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In front of Garage - In front of Vent

What does it do?

This is also one of the many Mid smokes. It gives the AWPer at Whitebox or Z-Connector no chance to shoot your head while you enter Vent.

How to throw

Find this shrub...

...and stand on top of the root of the highlighted leaf.

Now aim to the right of the high left roof, staying on its level. This may take a few tries, but once you got it you will never miss it again, even though there is basically nothing to indicate how far to the right you have to aim.

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Garage - Mid left

What does it do?

This smoke needs a partner to be effective but do not worry, I also have that one ready to go. Together with the following smoke, it will completely block off any vision the CTs might have had from the Sandbags, Whitebox and Z-Connector. Parted with the Vent smoke, it will make an effective wall of smokes in Mid.

How to throw

Stand centralised in front of the right side of the doorframe in Garage.

Aim at the part where the dark part of the roof meets the darker edge of the roof and throw.

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Garage - Mid right

What does it do?

This one complements the Vent and Mid left smokes perfectly, as it completes the wall of smokes in Mid.

How to throw

Once again, stand centralised in front of the doorframe, but this time on the left side.

Now aim at the white what-once-was-a-window-frame. Be sure to leave room to the right end of the what-once-was-a-window-frame, what I did by simply touching the right side end with my right crosshair line.

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T-Connector - Whitebox (on top)

What does it do?

This smoke will enable you, partnered with other smokes, to take complete Mid control. It takes away the popular AWPing spot from the spools behind the Whitebox.

How to throw

Stand below the sign in the T-Connector and find this little nudge in the rust on the wall to place yourself in front of it.

Now turn around and place your crosshair at the edge of the roof shown in the picture, leaving enough of a gap for the smoke grenade to not to hit the wall.

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T-Connector - Whitebox

What does it do?

This smoke completes the shutdown of the Whitebox position together with the smoke on top of the Whitebox. It takes away the possibility of the Whitebox player to peek the right side of the box while staying relatively safe, as you can now easily spam the smoke once you see an aggression from the CTs coming from the Whitebox.

How to throw

Find the shown dark line on the wall to the right of the ribbed part of the wall and place yourself in front of it.

Turn around and aim to the right of the edge of the roof. Once again, be sure to leave enough room for the smoke grenade to not to hit the wall. This may take a few tries but is easy to get a hold of.

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In front of Vent - Whitebox (behind)

What does it do?

This line-up is good only when the enemies do not face too hard in Mid, but you then want to ensure that no Whitebox peek comes in without you being able to spray down the retreating enemy once he has peeked past the smoke.

How to throw

Stand inside of the corner in front of Vent and aim above the left part of the metal thing protruding from the wall of the building at Whitebox. You need to be on the level of the part of the chimney where the light comes through.

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B-Halls - B-Main

What does it do?

This line-up is commonly used by teams with a specific plan centered around either a full-out B execute or B fake. It allows you to limit the angles you can get attacked from if they CTs decide to contest the area in front of B. Furthermore, it allows you to cross over into Checkers without being seen or shot by B players.

How to throw

Find and stand in front of this white line on the wall.

Now aim above the badly highlighted window frame right at the corner where the roof and the wall meet. Now run throw.

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Sunroom - CT-Main

What does it do?

This line-up allows you cut off any vision an AWP playing on CT may have towards B-Main and Checkers while keeping you safe from most kinds of CT players. It also delays the potential retake.

How to throw

Jump into this corner of the fence and the crate and aim between the two right rusty dots on the wall above the window. You need to touch the lower end of the right dot with the upper part of your right line and have to stay above the left dot with your left line. Be sure to shoot out the window before you throw.

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Sunroom - Headshot

What does it do?

This smoke takes away the ever so popular Headshot position, which is known for its difficulty to deal with. Giving the CT's full control over the fights he is taking when he has a backup on the Bombsite, this position may be the strongest for actually defending the B-Bombsite. This smoke enables you to actually see the feet of a player trying to peek through the smoke, and in most cases even his head, before he sees you when he tries to crouch under it.

How to throw

Stand in the far corner of the Sunroom and now aim above the lighter line in the wall, as is highlighted in the pictures, exactly on the upper edge of the roof.

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B-Main - CT-Main

What does it do?

This smoke, much like the one thrown from Sunroom, blocks off any CTs holding from CT-Main and delays the rotations of your enemies.

How to throw

Stand around the corner I am aiming at...

...and aim in the centralised inside of the left white tile meanwhile also aiming at the corner of the doorframe. Now run throw. You may need to test out the actual length you have to run before you stop hitting the doorframe.

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B-Main - Heaven

What does it do?

This is the last puzzle piece to be able to perform a basic execute on the B-Bombsite. By smoking off this position, you completely shut down any premature retake attempt by the CTs if CT is also blocked. Heaven also is a popular AWPing spot, trying to catch you by surprise if you're entering the Bombsite via Ramp or even Headshot.

How to throw

Find this dirty part of the floor, as highlighted in the right picture. Be advised that you are visible from the very right side of the Catwalk outside of Heaven by crouching there.

Now aim above and to the left of the rusty metal frame inside of the wall.

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Truck - A-Main

What does it do?

This smoke is one of the many variants to smoke off A-Main. This one is especially well fit for people and teams who like to smoke off A-Main early to deny the Ts an easy fast take of the Bombsite.

How to throw

Stand in the corner of this truck and aim at the Cyrillic letter that looks like an Y.

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Onspot - A-Main

What does it do?

This line-up gives you a safe way to smoke off A-Main mid-round, which is good if you have to react quickly to things happening on the map.

How to throw

Stand right in the middle of this red marking.

Now aim centralised above the bump in the container and touch the upper left corner of the flood light like shown in the picture.

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Onspot - Highway

What does it do?

This smoke, much like the A-Main smoke from Onspot, grants you a fast but safe reaction to things happening all over the map. This may split the forces of an incoming A-Split or cancel it entirely.

How to throw

Once again, find this red marking on the A-Bombsite and stand at the left edge of it, centralised with the height of the marking.

Now you need to find this dot, as highlighted... raise your aim above it until your lower end of the screen touches the top of the crate.

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Z-Connector - Mid-Main

What does it do?

This smoke allows you to easily smoke off Mid-Main without ever having to show yourself. This one is also a good fit for teams wanting to smoke off Mid-Main early in the round.

How to throw

Stand around this place in the beginning part of Z-Connector. Now run towards the exit towards Mid and aim at this metal piece like shown in the picture and let go of the smoke.

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Whitebox - Mid-Main

What does it do?

This smoke is the mid-round alternative to the Z-Connector to Mid-Main smoke, enabling you to react to the Ts' playstyle.

How to throw

Simply stand at the wall behind Whitebox, aiming at the crossed section of the what-once-was-a-window-frame.

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B-Ramp - B-Main

What does it do?

This smoke is the A-Main equivalent on the B-Bombsite. It denies the Ts easy entry to the B-Bombsite through the B-Main passageway.

How to throw

Stand centralised on the inner edge of the metal frame of the ramp.

And now aim at the height of the highlighted spaces between the bricks meanwhile aiming at the edge between the dark and the light part of the doorframe.

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Heaven - B-Main

What does it do?

This line-up is the faster way to smoke off the entryway to the B-Bombsite. Once again, it's a good fit for teams looking to counter the early aggressive playstyle of their enemies.

How to throw

Stand in the corner I am aiming at and now aim at the left corner where the white and the silver tile meet.

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Heaven - Checkers

What does it do?

This is one of my favourite line-ups, one of the best retake smokes on Cache. It allows you to smoke off a popular and really powerful afterplant position while staying safe from peeking Ts.

How to throw

Stand at the wall in Heaven and line up the two highlighted edges.

Now aim at the tilted edge of this thing, lining up your vertical line with the highlighted darker spot on the thing.

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All the smokes in one video!

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As always, I hope that this guide helped you to learn some new smokes and that you feel like coming back, because we are not going anywhere. Until next time!

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