Spray and Prey: A Brief Moira Guide
Here are a few tips for the one healer who actually (for the most part) preys on flankers!
Here are a few tips for the one healer who actually (for the most part) preys on flankers!
By now, you probably know that Moira is currently one of the most dominant heroes in the game. As of writing this article, she's the most picked support hero across the board. She's in a good spot right now, and I imagine it'll stay that way until Blizzard decides that it's her turn to get the nerf hammer for whatever reason. With that said, she's finally established herself as a solid main healer, and every support or flex player should definitely learn how to play her.
Now, let's go through a few tips and tricks to help you up your Moira game!
While Moira's Biotic Grasp can heal for around 80 HP/s, which is potentially the highest in the game, it's still a resource-based ability that drains quickly. What some people don't realize is that it heals an additional 50 HP over three seconds after you've stopped spraying. This means that you can spray in short bursts in order to conserve your resources. Try to keep this in mind, especially in situations where your team isn't under heavy fire.
Since this ability does more healing (300 max) than damage (200 max), it's usually better to focus more on the latter, especially during huge teamfights. Obviously though, your choice will be completely situational, as cliche as that sounds. Personally, I mostly just use damage orbs to get some free ult charge while the enemy team's grouped up in the distance or to finish off low HP heroes. Remember, Biotic Orb moves way faster if it isn't healing/damaging anyone, and it ignores shields (including Mei's wall).
One good tip for using this ability is to take advantage of the game's many chokepoints (and just generally tight spaces). For example, if your team is trying to defend a choke, simply face a wall and have a healing orb bounce back and forth in a straight line. Try to pay attention to the enemy's comp and their ability usage though, because your orbs can (and most likely will) be deflected by Genji or deleted by Defense Matrix.
Moira's ultimate is basically a long-range beam that ignores barriers and does a significant amount of both healing (140/sec) and damage (70/sec). Ideally, you want to be focusing more on healing teammates with it rather than trying to chip away at enemies. For the most part, you should treat it like a lesser Zenyatta ultimate (in that you won't always be able to outheal everything) that just happens to deal damage.
Since Coalescence is currently one of the fastest charging ults in the game, you'll most likely be able have it up for almost every fight. Because of this, try not to hold on to it for too long.
Offensively, you'll want to use it in conjunction with someone else's ult (e.g. Graviton Surge or Earthshatter). In situations like that, you can easily line your beam up to hit everyone. This keeps your teammates alive while also helping deal with the people caught by your ally's ult. In most situations though, you're gonna want to use it as a healing tool during a teamfight, especially if the other team starts popping their ults. Also, don't be afraid to use it to heal a lone tank/flanker that's low, because it can easily turn the fight in your favor.
Because of her kit, Moira can easily fend off flankers. Not only does Biotic Grasp heal her whenever it deals damage to an enemy, it also goes through abilities such as Deflect and Defense Matrix. In most 1v1 situations, either variation of her orb used in conjunction with Biotic Grasp is enough to keep you alive, and even potentially kill your attacker.
However, if all else fails, you can always just use Fade to run away.
Speaking of Fade, it's such a great repositioning and escape tool that you can use both offensively and defensively. Depending on the situation, you can use it to jump in the fray to heal up a dying ally or secure a kill. For the most part though, you're going to be using it to avoid a horrible death.
One trick you can learn is the "Fade Jump," which is where you propel yourself upwards by casting Fade and jumping as you're about to hit an object (preferably something that's around waist-high). It's a bit hard to explain through text and is best practiced in a custom game with no cooldowns. Here are a couple of examples on Temple of Anubis:
As mentioned earlier, Moira is in a really good spot right now. Expect to see her a lot in the coming seasons. especially now that Mercy's no longer a mandatory pick. What do you think about her current state? Do you think she's too strong? If so, what would you change? Let us know in the comments below!
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