Rattle your Opponents with Breach – VALORANT Agent Guide

25 May 20


Guffy, members


Rattle your Opponents with Breach – VALORANT Agent Guide

Breach is VALORANT's seismic aggressor. Here's how to master him.

The VALORANT closed beta is well underway and the hype for Riot Game’s new FPS is still growing. Many of you have been lucky and received access to this sought-after release, but many of you will still be waiting. Either way, chances are you might be scrambling to find every detail of what the game has to offer before its eventual release in Summer 2020.

VALORANT currently has ten agents, each with a set of different abilities which can be used in various ways to give your team an advantage in matches. Different combinations of agents and their abilities can give significant advantages when played right.

Breach is a powerful agent with some great abilities that will help you initiate offensive and defensive strategies effectively. This combination will feel familiar to those who are used to playing a more aggressive support role in tactical shooters, making Breach a good companion for your designated entry fragger. However, Breach can be just as useful on solo pushes if abilities are used right, so below is a breakdown of his abilities followed by some tips and tricks to get you started.


Based on the mixture of flash and map controlling abilities, Breach may be compared to agents like Brimstone and Phoenix. Crucially, his ability to stun entire rooms or bomb sites before entry is what makes him such a useful asset. Below is an image created by u/ClakeyDeeeeeeeee covering the breakdown of Breach's abilities.

To see the full breakdown of agent ability stats, check out the rest of the poster on Reddit here by ClakeyD (note that the recent update has changed some of the other agents' abilities, so have a read of the patch notes here for the specifics).


At 100 credits, this ability fires a blast through a wall which takes a few seconds to explode. The blast deals high damage to those caught within the radius. Be aware that this ability can deal damage to your team as well as your enemies.


At 200 credits, Flashpoint is another ability that can be fired through walls. Once fired, the flash can blind any player for a few seconds if they are looking at it. This proves to be effective when you are about to enter sites, clear rooms, or peek corners (as do all of his abilities).

Fault Line

Fault Line is a seismic blast that can be fired at various distances (holding fire will increase the distance it can reach). Once fired, a seismic quake is released in front of you, dazing and removing the vision of those caught in the line of fire. This ability is free and does not need to be purchased, every round it recharges and if used during rounds will passively recharge after the 35 second cooldown period.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate)

Rolling Thunder is another seismic ability which can be fired in front of you to daze your opponents. It is essentially a much more powerful version of Fault Line, knocking people into the air, slowing them down and lowering their vision (the effects will last around six seconds). The area of effect is much larger, as illustrated in the mini map of the images. You will need to collect seven ultimate points to use this ultimate ability. This is a potent ability that can be used very effectively to attack and retake entire sites.

Breach’s Optimal Weapons

Breach is an initiator, making him a more aggressive character to play. For most it might be useful to stray away from scoped weapons and pick up your preferred assault rifle so you can act quickly and decisively.


The Vandal is the perfect medium range rifle capable of an impressive 156 headshot damage from 0-50m out. Much like the AK-47 in CSGO, this weapon is highly effective with a good amount of precision. At 2900 credits, this will require a few round wins to comfortably purchase alongside your abilities and shields.


The Phantom is essentially the same as the Vandal, but with slight damage reduction when you get to further distances. It boasts a 30-round magazine, which is five more than the Vandal, and has a slightly better accuracy with a lower bullet spread. What’s more, the silencer adds a stealth factor which you may want to consider if that’s your playstyle. It costs exactly the same as the Vandal, so you’ll have to make up your own mind about which you prefer.

Tips and Tricks

As mentioned in our other articles, it is important to communicate clearly with your team. Your job as Breach is to create crucial opportunities for you and your team to enter sites, so work with others and time your abilities appropriately to support your team’s movements. Don’t be afraid to be aggressive, sometimes taking some risks by swinging hard on opponents can make the difference between a win or a loss.

Don't overlook Breach's Aftershock. At 100 credits, it is perhaps the highest value for money ability and deals an incredible amount of damage. It is particularly useful when stopping spike plants or when you want to force players out of corners. Remember though, all of Breach's abilities can harm your team, so be sure to avoid initiating them if you have anyone other than the enemy in the line of fire.

If you liked this content, be sure to check out our other useful agent guides on our blog page.

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